Fashion blogger ετών 47: Η super stylish γιαγιά των social media με την θλιβερή ιστορία!

Η πανέμορφη Zaklina, με καταγωγή από τη Σερβία, εκτός από πρώην μοντέλο και νυν fashion blogger, είναι και μια ανερχόμενη σταρ του Instagram, γνωστή ως realfashionist. Ανεβάζει καθημερινά φωτογραφίες κυρίως από τους δρόμους της Ρώμης, έχει τέλειο στυλ και αυτή τη στιγμή την ακολουθούν

266.000 άτομα – ανάμεσα σε αυτούς είμαι και εγώ και παρατηρώ πώς ο αριθμός αυτός μέρα με την μέρα μεγαλώνει.

Θα μου πείτε πώς υπάρχουν πολλές fashion bloggers και τι το ιδιαίτερο έχει για να ασχολούμαστε μαζί της. Πολύ απλά, εκτός από τη φαινομενική τέλεια καθημερινότητά της, ανάμεσα σε luxury brands, απίστευτη χλιδή και γοητευτικές πόζες έχει τεράστιο ενδιαφέρον η ζωή της.

Η ίδια, όσο κι αν δεν το πιστεύετε είναι 47 χρονών, έχει αναλογίες που κόβουν την ανάσα και δυο εγγόνια από την κόρη της, την οποία έφερε στον κόσμο στα 19 της. Ναι, κι όμως, δεν σας κάνουμε πλάκα -δίκαια θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηριστεί η πιο sexy γιαγιά του πλανήτη.

Στις λεζάντες των φωτογραφιών της συνηθίζει να βάζει το hashtag #grandmotherthatlovefashion, μια γιαγιά που αγαπά τη μόδα αλλά και #rememberstefan για τον γιο της ο οποίος σκοτώθηκε σε τροχαίο στο Βελιγράδι την Παραμονή των Χριστουγέννων, ένα τόσο θλιβερό γεγονός που βρήκε τη δύναμη και το κουράγιο να το μοιραστεί με όλους στα social media.

Δείτε παρακάτω φωτογραφίες της Ζaklina, για να εμπνευστείτε για τις επόμενές σας εμφανίσεις και σίγουρα θα συμφωνήσετε μαζί μας: Η ηλικία είναι μόνο στα χαρτιά.

Good morning my wonderful divine souls, my invisible friends. I’m literally overwhelmed these days with enormous amount of love and support that I get from all over the world. Thank you: Russia, Ukraine, Latvia Kazakhstan, Moldova, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, India, Mozambique, Poland, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Finland, Netherlands, Turkey, thanks to the UK, America, Australia, Vietnam, China and Indonesia Thanks Serbian, Croatian and Macedonian (sorry if I someone accidentally overlooked) Every second are coming your messages, and I am grateful to God for this unique life experience I get lot of compliments in which (especially beautiful, exquisite, young people ) wish to point out, that one goal in their life, from now on is: to be ME. For someone on the verge of 50tees I was a little taken aback but still pleasantly surprised. Thanks for all appreciations of my style, my physical appearance, my life philosophy.. that gives me tremendous motivation for the future. At the threshold of your life, and before you have to make many decisions to orient your trip .. I wish to dedicate this a bit lengthy text today in public We all have that special one, the most beloved person .. That person who makes you celebrate your life with joy and without which one you can not imagine your future? Am I right? Now imagine: That Every Morning, the first thing you are forced to do, as soon as you open your eyes, Is to go to the FUNERAL to That Same Admired Beloved Person, That Same Person, who is for you, the essence of your life! …And on.. Every… Single… Morning.. of.. Your.. Life! Without exception!!! Now: Welcome to My Mornings .. @miljanovicstefan #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife Carefully, consider again, whether you still wish to be in my shoes? Why do I say that? Beware of what you want, cause you can get it .. The spoken or written word has enormous power. The Value, Life Goals, Destiny .. is not the same for all, it is more like a fingerprint: Unique!!! So be the Best Version of Yourself ! #bethebestversionofyourself I love you! You are beautiful just the way you are

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 29, 2017 at 2:31am PDT

To all of you, my wonderful, divine souls: I love you! You are beautiful just the way you are!!!! #bethebestversionofyourself #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 27, 2017 at 9:45am PDT

Change your thoughts and you will change your world. Happy Friday my gorgeous stylish friends via @street__styling #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 24, 2017 at 12:14am PDT

Via @milano_streetstyle #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #rememberstefan #myangel #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 19, 2017 at 11:52am PDT

Buongiorno via @dukeandmarquess Fashion inspo @aceofstyle #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 14, 2017 at 2:08am PDT

Cruising along in life, doing the best you can, working on making things happen and than when it happens.. well, than you just sit down and watch in disbelief… for a while Fashion inspo via @streetstyle_london #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #rememberstefan #myangel #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 14, 2017 at 12:17pm PDT

White Monday via @senstylable #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #rememberstefan #myangel #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 13, 2017 at 8:24am PDT

Total look by @arte_e_modabg #arteemodabgfashionline #arteemoda @always good idea to check @senstylable #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #lovegetsloveinreturn #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 11, 2017 at 2:09pm PST

Accessories are said to be the window to the fashionista’s soul, right? Finally, I have found a brand who designs pieces of exquisite quality so I can style my phone as well I can match it perfectly with my outfits. It looks so stylish now when I take my selfies Just love originality in color schemes and design, but what I like the most what make them stand out from the crowd, is their distinctive wrap around metal border which spans across the case together with the metal ring around the camera. Now my phone is ready for spring and many more selfies thanks to @richmondfinch Use my code “realfashionist20” for 20% off!! #richmondfinch my style Inspo today via @style_without_word #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #mystyle #lovegetsloveinreturn #loveofmylife #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 5, 2017 at 12:35am PST

Saturday night fever already on Thursday via @streetstyle_london #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #mystyle #lovegetsloveinreturn #loveofmylife #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Mar 2, 2017 at 11:00am PST

Buongiorno via @porte_del_mondo Place where dreams come true #carnevaleyallers2017 #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #mystyle #lovegetsloveinreturn #loveofmylife #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Feb 26, 2017 at 11:14pm PST

Hello via @i__am_fashion Double tap on the photo and you will find out what I wear #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #mystyle #lovegetsloveinreturn #loveofmylife #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Feb 22, 2017 at 2:37pm PST

Happy Friday my gorgeous stylish friends Simple, casual today, but small bling bling detail by @luxelife.bijoux adds that Friday sparkle fashion inspo via @zaralovers_ #grandmotherthatlovesfashion #mystyle #lovegetsloveinreturn #loveofmylife #myangel #rememberstefan #nofasterthanlife

A post shared by @realfashionist on Feb 17, 2017 at 12:39am PST

Μια ματιά ακόμα: Η Kate Middleton στην ωραιότερη εμφάνιση της εβδομάδας!!

The post Fashion blogger ετών 47: Η super stylish γιαγιά των social media με την θλιβερή ιστορία! appeared first on Fay's book.

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