Tsipras sees an imminent "national disaster" in the coastal areas bill

Radical Left Coalition SYRIZA party's leader Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday night stressed the need to form a wide political and social front against the coastal areas bill "irrespective of differences and individual assessments, far from political party

calculations and political strategies", in an attempt to upgrade SYRIZA's relevant initiative into an event of national importance.

Tsipras fiercely attacked the government by underlining "they understand growth as surrendering to speculators and gamblers of countries and souls".

The leader of SYRIZA stressed that "we have a battle coming, which concerns all of us", adding that "The legislative monstrosity that is hidden under the falsified title 'delimitation, management and protection of coastal areas and beaches'... allows, prepares and regulates a national disaster".

Tsipras said that the government "sells off the beauty, the soul, the civilization, the prospects of our country".

Source: AMNA

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