Η νέα τάξη πραγμάτων, στη προσπάθειά της να επιβάλλει την παγκοσμιοποίηση,ζητά την απαγόρευση των εθνικιστικών κομμάτων,
από τα ευρωπαικά κοινοβούλια, με "δημοκρατικές" διαδικασίες. Οι ηγέτες της ΕΕ ειναι τρομοκρατημενοι από την είσοδο της ΧΑ στη βουλη, καθώς αποσταθεροποιείται το χρηματοοικονομικό σύστημα που στηρίζεται στα δύο μεγάλα διεφθαρμένα κόμματα. Σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, ο Τσίπρας,
μοιάζει να εξυπηρετεί καλύτερα την ΝΤΠ, καθώς αυτός και τα στελέχη του αλλάζουν τις θέσεις τους καθημερινά, ενώ η αριστερή ιδεολογία του αφήνει διόδους ανοιχτούς για ....
εθνικά θέματα, ορυκτό πλούτο κλπ.

Εχει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφερον η παρακάτω ανάλυση


WLT Greek Correspondent reports.
A Greek correspondent and new contributor to Whitelaw Towers has been studying closely the Greek and world press concerning the Greek crisis and the position of Golden Dawn, he writes.

"This election will stress Golden Dawn because of the financial pressure. Nonetheless, the cheap attempt to damage the party by taking down its website has been dealt with. The activists of Golden Dawn are a determined as ever to repeat its 7% vote and its win of 21 seats in the parliament.
When the media mentions Golden Dawn at all, they quickly talk it down Golden Dawn, saying that voters are being drawn away because they realise what an extremist party it is. They point to opinion polls that now put the party on 4%. Of course, before the last election the highest vote the party was credited with was 5.2%. But whatever happens after the election, Golden Dawn will be a permanent fixture in Greek politics, not just in parliament, but more importantly in the street.
Otherwise, there has been a tight ring of strict silence imposed around Golden Dawn, in an effort to isolate it from the Greek people. Today (Tuesday 22/05/2012), I saw in the news the leaders of all political Parties visiting the commissioned-for-the-elections PM of Greece Mr. Pikramenos. There Mr. Nikolaos Michaloliakos, leader of Golden Dawn, had the opportunity to briefly speak to the Mass Media. He mentioned that "Europe intervenes in to the internal politics of Greece by supporting the two old and corrupted parties and by blackmailing the voters to chose either austerity or catastrophe". It seems like he needs the Greek people to further clear up for him the political ground from the big parties. This would simplify his fight with the neo-governing-Left and ultimately he will have it for breakfast. The Media had to show Mr. Michaloliakos in this case because they were obliged to by the Greek Law.
I do not know if this wall of almost absolute silence would be of any help for the establishment; as from now on the Golden Dawn has substantial and strong roots in the Greek society and this relationship is irreversible. Moreover, in these new growing conditions, the imposed silence from above can add some kind of aura of attractive mysticism around
Τυχαία Θέματα