Dartz Prombron Black Shark με 1.500 άλογα

Ο Dartz παρουσίασε το Prombron Black Shark, ένα αυτοκίνητο που βασίζεται πάνω σε μια Mercedes-Benz GL63 AMG. Το σώμα του είναι φτιαγμένο από κέβλαρ και τιτάνιο, ενώ διαθέτει σκάνερ ίριδας, αναγνώριση δαχτυλικού αποτυπώματος και χειρολαβές που εξαφανίζονται και διαθέτουν ηλεκτροσόκ.

Φυσικά είναι θωρακισμένο με B7 θωράκιση και στο εσωτερικό του εκτός από σαμπανιέρα, υπάρχει LTE

hotspot, PS4 και Xbox One. Συνοδεύεται από ένα smartphone της Vertu, που μέσω αυτού ο ιδιοκτήτης του θα μπορεί βλέπει την κατάσταση του οχήματος και την πίεση των ελαστικών και μηχανικά εφοδιάζεται είτε με τον V8 κινητήρα της GL63 AMG είτε με τον V12 της GL65 AMG, που θα μπορεί να αποδίδει μέχρι 1.500 άλογα, αν θελήσει ο ιδιοκτήτης.

Μόλις 5 αυτοκίνητα θα κατασκευαστούν, με τον Dartz να μην ανακοινώνει τη τιμή του, η οποία σίγουρα θα είναι επταψήφια.

Δελτίο Τύπου

The DartZ Prombron Black Shark

Up until this point approved by 2 former 007 agents – Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan, the DartZ carshave been mainly used by the opposite side in the movie conflict – the villains.

Their ability to protect its occupants against any attack imaginable while having the biggest commanding presence of any nearby vehicles literally guaranteed, lured Sacha Baron Cohen in The Dictator (2012), Bruce Willis in A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) and lately Pierce Brosnan in The November Man (2014) to fully experience the real-life James Bond car features in a opulent and bulletproof package that DartZ offers. It is after all the main characteristic of DartZ. Bespoke, Opulent, Noble Drive.———————————————————————— —————————————————-…In James Bond movies, what is the most precious thing upon which usually depends the fate of ourplanet?

Time – The Aeterno package

If you don’t want to count on the last seconds getting to your desired location, with our AMGhandmade engine with the ability to be tuned up to 1500 horsepower there is no lack of power andspeed.

Then when you arrive in the jungle that is the city, our sophisticated VERTU powered applicationsallow your driver to quickly find the best way to avoid traffic and find the most convenient parkingspaces.

On the road and in spontaneous need of international flight? Skip the crowds and book a private jet fromany major airport in just 2 touches with BlackJet ™ feature incorporated in your vehicle.

V8+V2 / V12+V2

All these features, as mentioned before, are incorporated into 2 VERTU high-performance, bespoke andopulent smartphones making sure you will never have to use anything serial-made, whether it be a car ora smartphone, during your travels again. The VERTU products have been chosen by their similarities toDartZ when it comes to performance, opulence, and customer experience. It is a definite status symbol,having a Vertu phones made with the same bizzare leather with customizable monograms you choosefor your car interior. We have also prepaid Vertu Concierge for you. That gives you 24-hour worldwideassistance, priority bookings, accessing money-can’t-buy events or finding the perfect gift. YourConcierge will fulfil every request using their unique expertise and inside knowledge.

Coming from a choice of either V8 (63 AMG) engine or V12 (65 AMG) engine, in combination with 2Vertu phones, our side badge is “V8 biturbo V2″ or “V12 biturbo V2″.———————————————————————— —————————————————-...Let’s face it, you are bored of serial-made cars. We all are. Downsizing, eco-friendly recycled plasticmaterials and law regulations are making ways to stand out among the best in the car industry very inconvenient. With Black Shark fully customizable features and appearance you get a car that is one-offmasterpiece and forever will stay that way.

Second to Nothing

It is the pinnacle model from DartZ and incorporates the full breadth of the company’s expertise,including 2015 Mercedes Benz GL 63/65 AMG platform, the finest materials for the interior supplied byItaly’s best – Luxpel and their special division Kolonial Touch using laser engraving and tanning, as well asBang and Olufssen’s Beolight and Beosound entertainment system making sure, that your multimediaexperience is the same as in your home cinema.

Bulletproof Safety as standard

Black Shark is short wheelbase version of the PRVY (ПЬРВЫЙ – The First), a newest vehicle designedfor Russian Federation’s leaders and inspired by powerful Black Shark military helicopter. That meanshaving security features such as electrochromatic windows for your privacy, custom safety(disappearing) coach doorhandles (with anti-papparazzi shock-device), Kevlar-Titanium body to preventthe use of magnetic mines, rotating bulletproof grill with DartZ badge and your customizable monogramas well as armoring up to grade B7 using patented Soviet technology Kapsula for the guaranteedcomfort even in the toughest of environments today’s world provides. If that is not enough, ourengineers have developed the Golden Eye feature implementing fingerprint and retina scanner foradditional safety.

In addition to Mercedes Benz Driver Assistance package, we also install the most sophisticated drivervigilance telemetric control system Vigiton, capable of constant monitoring of driver’spsycho-physiological condition and overall awareness, so you don’t have to worry about unreliabledriver.

Your personal security doesn’t end with ‘hardware’ solutions. Your DartZ V2+ mobile application givesyou the ability to always know what is happening with your vehicle even when you are not traveling. Youalways know where your car is, what are external and internal conditions (in case of fire or deflated tire), even activate sirens and lights to “scare off” crowds, that might make your traveling inconvenient.

You can also always use car’s camera systems to watch and record, to prevent vandalism, car accidents for insurance claim or anything else that might happen to you and your new Black Shark.———————————————————————— —————————————————-Leonard Yankelovich, DartZ’ s founder and owner despises the term SUV (first in Forbes article,after that other companies such as Rolls Royce followed) when talking about our vehicles. “For ourcustomer this term degrades the car to a category including farmer’s trucks and grocery shopping utilityvehicles.” he says. “Despite luxury and supercar brands introducing their premium SUVs to the market inthe upcoming years, the situation doesn’t change for DartZ. Luxury corporate owned brand releasingtheir serial-made car on steroids is still a far cry from the values that our brand and products bring to thecustomer. Our customers already have all common supercars, limousines, but this is the only bespokeproduct they get as the best of them all..”

Our car is based on 3 (non-lethal) bullets. Russian Imperial opulence in the interior, Sovietmilitary power in armoring and German engineering perfection as a platform. The first one traces backto the year of 1869 when the Russo-Baltic Wagon Factory was founded in Riga, then a major industrialcentre of the Russian Empire. Originally the new company was a subsidiary of the Van der Zypen &Charlier company in Cologne-Deutz, Germany. In 1894 the majority of its shares were sold to investors inRiga and St. Petersburg, among them L. Tetelbaum, current owner’s Leonard F. Yankelovich’s directancestor. The company grew to 3,800 employees.

The second bullet and turning point came in 1912 (then Russian Empire), when the company becameofficial Russian army’s supplier with the first armored car built in Riga in 1914 on the base of RussoBaltmodel C base. The technology was eventually used in the upcoming decades as the foundation forarmoring luxury coaches for the Soviet union’s leaders and officials.

One of company’s branches – BTAZ, has detached itself, and is building spaceships right now.As the modern technology developed over the century, we have decided to use world’s mostsophisticated technologies as the car’s platform – Mercedes Benz AMG. Engineering perfection for theengine, transmission, suspension and chassis. Our third bullet. Try to dodge these.

It’s an honour for our company to be the successors of the RussoBalt house that raised thefamous engineer and grandfather of helicopters, Igor Sikorsky. Therefore the interior of 4 out of 5 BlackShark trim editions is decorated with leather engraved and tanned motives from the aviation history.———————————————————————- ——————————————————Wondering why all the James Bond movie references in the beginning of this presentation?

The most sophisticated trim level of the new Prombron Black Shark is the real spy-car of the 21st centuryand it will also be the only armored vehicle of the new trim line.

Military-sourced sniper-prevention roof, road-analyzer, distance explosive detector and signal jammerare one of many features making this edition a fortress under any circumstances. Along with champagneholder, sterling silver hand polished flutes, golden shisha and bespoke humidor, Xbox ONE, Playstation 4and LTE hotspot installed to keep you or your partners and family occupied during your travels.

“Bond’s car was his only personal hobby. One of the last of the 4.5 litre Bentleys with the superchargerby Amherst Villiers, he had bought it almost new in 1933 and had kept it in careful storage through thewar. [...] Bond drove it hard and well and with an almost sensual pleasure. It was a battleship-greyconvertible coupé, which really did convert, and it was capable of touring at ninety with thirty miles anhour reserve.” wrote Ian Fleming in Casino Royale

Introducing teaser DartZ Prombron BlackShark 007 In signature Battleship (or Spy)-Grey

More information and pictures coming soon. Stay in touch to be first to spread the world :)

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