No Samaras intervention to postpone Karas visit, Schulz says

13:33 7/1/2014 - Πηγή: Matrix24

The press spokesman said the decision was taken after Schulz consulted with two rapporteurs of the EuroParliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, due to the events taking place in Athens for the start of the Greek EU presidency in the first half of 2014, which meant that the interest of the media

in the delegation’s work could not be taken for granted.

Sources close to Schulz said that the European Parliament president contacted Samaras on the telephone on Sunday night to express his regret that he was unable to attend the events in Athens due to other engagements. They said the Greek premier had not made any request concerning the delegation’s arrival in Athens.

SYRIZA allegations over postponed Karas visit

In announcements earlier on Monday, main opposition SYRIZA accused the prime minister of having intervened in order to postpone the delegation’s visit, calling the action “unprecedented”. The party also made public a letter sent to the MEP Nikos Houndis and other members of the Econ Committee on Sunday, informing them that “[European Parliament President Martin Schulz] and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras have agreed that the delegation to Athens should be postponed.”

SYRIZA had earlier accused the government of seeking to delay the visit “in panic”, with the support of the European Parliament President Martin Schulz. It also asserted that the government “trembled” at the thought of a discussion on the aims and repercussions of the bailout memorandums, as well its own share of responsibility in adopting “a disastrous programme that plunged the country into a deep recession.”

The claims drew a sharp response from government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou, who accused SYRIZA of being “stuck on conspiracy theories and attempts to defamate the country” and of making “wild and outrageous allegations”.

The delegation’s visit was originally scheduled for January 8-9.

Source: AMNA

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