Greeks will serve sentences in their home country

Greek citizens serving prison sentences in European Union countries will shortly be allowed to serve their sentences in Greece, according…

The same exact right will be extended to non-Greek European citizens serving prison sentences in Greece, who

will be allowed to be transfered to a prison in their EU country of origin.

The bill being prepared will align Greek law with three different framework decisions of the Council of the European Union, which cater for mutual recognition in EU criminal judgements that restrict a citizen's freedom or foresee alternative measures to custody.

This is expected to especially benefit citizens who are remanded in custody in countries other than their country of origin, on grounds of averting their possible escape from the country.

Once the bill under way becomes law, it is expected to de-congest Greek prisons and reduce the number of prisoners in custody, which will consequently reduce the cost and expenses of running the Greek prison system.

Τυχαία Θέματα