Russia says fighter jet intercepts U.S. nuclear-capable bombers over Bering Sea

10:57 15/7/2021 - Πηγή: Armynow

U.S. Air Force nuclear-capable bombers were intercepted and escorted by Russian fighter jets during a flight over neutral waters over the Bering Sea, Russia’s National Defense Control Center reported on Thursday.

The Russian military

said in a statement that it MiG-31 and Su-35 fighter jets to intercept U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers over the Bering Sea.

“On July 15, 2021, Russian airspace control systems detected three aerial targets over the Bering Sea approaching Russia’s state border,” the center said.

It noted that MiG-31 and Su-35 fighters had been scrambled to identify the targets and prevent a violation of the Russian state border. “The Russian fighters’ crews identified the aerial targets as US Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers and escorted them over the Bering Sea,” the report said.

After the U.S. strategic bombers made a U-turn from Russia’s state border, the Russian fighters safely returned to their home airfields. Russia’s state border was not violated.

Also added that the Russian fighters’ flight proceeded in strict compliance with the airspace international rules.


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