Editorial: Action

Greece did not have the fortune it deserved.

It is the only country in Europe that exited one crisis only to be faced immediately with another.

The much-touted normalcy to which Greek society was supposed to return has been postponed indefinitely or at least for enough time to deal a new, severe blow to the economy

and the labour market.

In short, the country went from one crisis to another without a respite.

That does not mean that this is a time for fatalism.

Managing a crisis requires action and not passivity.

Moreover, one must not forget that reality could have been more painful.

Undoubtedly things would have been more difficult if the public health crisis arisen during the economic crisis. The things that were tested then, from social cohesion to survival, would have been tested many times over.

The predominant goal now is to protect public health but that does not mean that the economy can be left to its own devices.

On the contrary, everything possible must be done to limit the harm to a minimum.

Naturally that is a matter that does not concern only Greece. It concerns the entire EU leadership.

If this crisis is to be better than previous ones it will be because the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

Τυχαία Θέματα