Hellenic Postbank case suspect Kontominas released on bail

21:18 15/1/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Prominent businessman Dimitris Kontominas, one of the key suspects in a case involving unsecured loans issued by Hellenic Postbank, was released after posting a five-million-euro bail on Wednesday. A Misdemeanours Court Justices' Council, after deliberating for five hours, ordered that Kontominas be released on bail and with additional conditions demanded by examining magistrate Andreas Andreadis, such as a ban on leaving the country and reporting to a police station at regular intervals.
The judges' council was called to settle the issue after the magistrate and public prosecutor handling the case disagreed on whether he should be released. Andreadis was in favour of his release on a five-million-euro bail - an amount never imposed before in a similar case - while public prosecutor Popi Papandreou judged him a flight risk and possible repeat offender, recommending that he be remanded in custody.
Kontominas, currently receiving treatment in a private clinic, is accused of incurring a 16-million-euro loss for TT Hellenic Postbank via unsecured loans.
According to information released to the press late on Tuesday, Kontominas is prepared to offer his shares in the television station Alpha, valued at 46 million euros, as collateral against the loans for which he is under investigation. The business has apparently already given rights to place additional lien on his properties worth more than seven million euros to the banks handling the TT Hellenic Postbank loans.