Επίσημο: BMW X1 2016

02:36 3/6/2015 - Πηγή: AutoBlog

Μετά τη διαρροή, η BMW, όπως αναμενόταν, παρουσίασε την ολοκαίνουργια X1. Η δεύτερη γενιά της X1 δανείζεται DNA στοιχεία από τον σχεδιασμό των X3 και X5, με την BMW να τονίζει πως πρόκειται για ένα Sports Activity Vehicle (SAV), με την λέξη crossover να λάμπει δια της απουσίας της από το δελτίο τύπου. Η δεύτερη γενιά της X1

διαθέτει πιο σπορ σχεδιασμό, με πιο “X-like αναλογίες”, μη απομακρύνοντας τους σημερινούς ιδιοκτήτες της X1, με το νέο μοντέλο να είναι “πιο ώριμο και λιγότερο στρογγυλεμένο”. Η X1 κατασκευάζεται πάνω στην μπροστοκίνητη UKL πλατφόρμα και διαθέτει μεταξύ άλλων επιθετικής σχεδίασης μπροστά προφυλακτήρα, μεγάλη γρίλια, LED φώτα ομίχλης, ελαφρώς κεκλιμένη γραμμή οροφής και αεροτομή.

Η νέα X1 έχει μικρότερο μήκος από τη προηγούμενη γενιά, αλλά έχει μεγαλώσει σε πλάτος και ύψος (+53 mm), προσφέροντας έτσι περισσότερο χώρο στους επιβάτες της. Μάλιστα όπως αναφέρει η BMW, τα μπροστά καθίσματα έχουν τοποθετηθεί 36 mm πιο ψηλά, και τα πίσω 64 mm, με τον χώρο για τα πόδια των πίσω επιβατών να αυξάνεται από τα 37 έως 64 mm. Το μήκος της φτάνει τα 4.439 mm, το πλάτος τα 1.821 mm, το ύψος τα 1.598 mm, με το μεταξόνιο να αγγίζει τα 2.670 mm.

Η απόσταση από το έδαφος ανέρχεται στα 183 mm, με τον χώρο αποσκευών να έχει χωρητικότητα 505 λίτρα, όπου με την αναδίπλωση των πίσω καθισμάτων (40:20:40), φτάνει έως και τα 1.550 λίτρα. Το βάρος της ξεκινά από τα 1.480 κιλά με τον αεροδυναμικό συντελεστή της να ανέρχεται τα 0,30 Cd. Θα είναι διαθέσιμη και σε επταθέσια έκδοση, που θα διαθέτει πιο μακρύ μεταξόνιο και μεγαλύτερο χώρο αποσκευών, ενώ θα προορίζεται για την αγορά της Κίνας, των Η.Π.Α και της Ρωσίας.

Στο εσωτερικό συναντάμε τριάκτινο τιμόνι, μεταλλικά, αλουμινένια, μαύρα γυαλιστερά και ξύλινα διακοσμητικά, δερμάτινες επενδύσεις, ηλεκτρικό χειρόφρενο, 6,5″ οθόνη του συστήματος ενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας, συνδέσεις USB και Aux-in, όπως και ρυθμιζόμενα πίσω καθίσματα. Αρκετά στοιχεία της νέας X1, είναι τα ίδια με αυτά των 2-Series Active Tourer και Grand Tourer, όπως ο πίνακας οργάνων, το τιμόνι και ο επιλογέας ταχυτήτων. Υπάρχουν τρία επίπεδα εξοπλισμού Sport Line, xLine και M Sport.

Μπορεί να εξοπλιστεί με Head-Up Display, με την BMW να προσφέρει μεταξύ άλλων πλήρως LED φωτιστικά σώματα, αλλά και τα συστήματα Dynamic Damper Control, Driving Assistant Plus, Active Cruise Control, Stop & Go, Lane Departure Warning, Traffic Jam Assistant, Collision Warning και Pedestrian Warning με City Braking λειτουργία.

Η δεύτερη γενιά του μικρού γερμανικού crossover θα προσφέρεται και με σύστημα τετρακίνησης (xDrive). Κίνηση αρχικά θα παίρνει από δύο 2,0-λιτρα τετρακύλινδρα μοτέρ, ένα βενζίνης και ένα πετρελαίου. Ο 2.0-λίτρος πετρελαιοκινητήρας αποδίδει 150 άλογα με 330 Nm ροπής στην έκδοση sDrive18d, αλλά και 190 άλογα με 400 Nm ροπής στην έκδοση xDrive20d, ενώ υπάρχει και μια δυνατότερη έκδοση του απόδοσης 231 ίππων με 450 Nm ροπής (xDrive25d).

Ο 2,0-λιτρος βενζίνης είναι απόδοσης 192 ίππων με 280 Nm ροπής (sDrive20i και xDrive20i) και 231 ίππων με 350 Nm ροπής (xDrive25i). Η BMW υποστηρίζει πως η νέα X1 είναι έως και 17% πιο οικονομική από την απερχόμενη γενιά, λόγω των βελτιωμένων κινητήρων, του μειωμένου βάρους, με το σύστημα τετρακίνησης να ζυγίζει περίπου 35 κιλά λιγότερο.

Η BMW X1 sDrive20i και η xDrive20i συνδυάζονται με το 8άρι αυτόματο κιβώτιο, με την πρώτη να κάνει τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα σε 7,7 δευτερόλεπτα (7,4 δευτ. η xDrive20i) με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 225 χλμ/ώρα (223 χλμ/ώρα η xDrive20i). Σε ότι αφορά τη μέση κατανάλωση, αυτή στην δικίνητη έκδοση ανέρχεται στα 5,9 λίτρα/100 χλμ και στην τετρακίνητη στα 6,3 λίτρα/100 χλμ με τις εκπομπές CO2 να φτάνουν τα 139 και 149 γρ/χλμ αντίστοιχα.

Η BMW X1 xDrive25i φορά και αυτή μόνο το 8-τάχυχτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο και χρειάζεται 6,5 δευτερόλεπτα για τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα, με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 235 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει 6,4 λίτρα μέση κατανάλωση στα 100 χλμ και 149 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2.

H BMW X1 sDrive18d συνδυάζεται με 6-τάχυτο μηχανικό και με το 8-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο και επιταχύνει από στάση στα 100 χλμ/ώρα σε 9,2 δευτερόλεπτα, έχοντας τελική ταχύτητα 205 χλμ/ώρα. Καταναλώνει 4,1 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 109 γρ/χλμ CO2 (4,3 λίτρα/100 χλμ και 114 γρ/χλμ CO2 με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο).

Η BMW X1 xDrive20d μπορεί να συνδυαστεί μόνο με το 8-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο, με τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα να τα κάνει σε 7,6 δευτερόλεπτα, με την τελική της ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 219 χλμ/ώρα. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 4,9 λίτρα/100 χλμ και εκπέμπει 128 γρ/χλμ CO2.

Η BMW X1 xDrive25d μπορεί να εξοπλιστεί μόνο με το 8-τάχυτο αυτόματο κιβώτιο, επιταχύνοντας από τα 0 στα 100 χλμ/ώρα σε 6,6 δευτερόλεπτα, έχοντας τελική ταχύτητα 235 χλμ/ώρα. Η μέση κατανάλωσή της ανακοινώνεται στα 5 λίτρα/100 χλμ και οι εκπομπές CO2 στα 132 γρ/χλμ.

Από τον Νοέμβριο, θα είναι διαθέσιμοι και οι τρικύλινδροι 1.500 κ.εκ κινητήρες βενζίνης (sDrive18i) και πετρελαίου (sDrive16d). Ίσως θα υπάρξει και M έκδοση. Γι’ αυτούς που δεν αναζητούν την μεγαλύτερη δυνατή ισχύ, θα προσφέρεται αργότερα και μία plug-in υβριδική eDrive έκδοση, η οποία θα συνδυάζει τον τρικύλινδρο 1.500 turbo κινητήρα και έναν ηλεκτροκινητήρα. Θα αποδίδει κοντά στα 190 άλογα, έχοντας ηλεκτρική αυτονομία 30 χλμ.

Η επίσημη παρουσίασή της θα γίνει στην έκθεση της Φρανκφούρτης με τις πωλήσεις της να ξεκινούν από τα τέλη του Οκτώβρη, όπου και θα γίνουν γνωστές και οι τιμές. Η παραγωγή του θα γίνεται στο εργοστάσιο της BMW στο Regensburg. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς βρεις σε αυτό το pdf.

BMW X Serie | De nieuwe BMW X1 (BMW.nl)02:23 BMW X Serie | De nieuwe BMW X1 (BMW.nl)00:39

Δελτίο Τύπου

The All-New

– Greatest interior roominess and versatility in its class– Highest power with reduced emissions– Commanding presence, robust proportions, dynamic lines– Innovative connectivity and groundbreaking BMW EfficientDynamics technology unparalleled in the segment

Woodcliff Lake, N.J. – EMBARGO: June 2, 2015 – 6:00pm EDT/3:00pm PDT… Today, BMW announced the all-new BMW X1 Sports Activity Vehicle. In its second generation, the new MY 2016 BMW X1 builds on the success of its predecessor (61,974 sold in the US to date) by incorporating a roomier interior, greater efficiency and technology on the forefront of innovation. The second generation takes to the stage with a body design typical of a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle. The BMW X1 xDrive28i will be the exclusive model in the US at launch featuring a 2.0-liter TwinTurbo 4-cylinder engine from BMW’s new family of modular engines with maximum output of 228 horsepower, making the all new BMW X1 the most powerful entry model in the segment. It will be mounted to an 8-speed Steptronic automatic transmission. An efficiency-optimized version of the BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system and newly developed chassis technology all help to enhance sporting ability and ride comfort compared to the outgoing model. The all new BMW X1 also showcases its exceptional versatility with increased cargo area and greater interior room with more headroom than before. The 2016 BMW X1 xDrive28i will arrive in US showrooms in Fall 2015.

Its cutting-edge premium ambience and functionality ensure the BMW X1 will stay ahead of the competition. Alongside its market-leading dynamics and efficiency, a host of innovative equipment features also help to secure the all new BMW X1 position in the class. Among the items on the options list are full-LED adaptive headlights, BMW Head-Up Display and Driver Assistance Plus.

Greatest interior roominess and versatility in its class

The all new BMW X1 is defined by its cutting-edge vehicle concept and advancements in the areas of functionality, safety and comfort. This multitalented model not only boasts more space for passengers and luggage, it also offers additional flexibility when it comes to utilizing its load-carrying capacity. Extensive standard equipment and numerous attractive options underline the premium character of the compact BMW Sports Activity Vehicle.

Merging functionality and versatility, the BMW X1 is the roomiest vehicle in its class. The overall interior room and comfort of the all new BMW X1 treat passengers to additional head and legroom. The horizontal surface design in the interior, create generous levels of space and an ambience typical of a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle. Power front seats are now standard and provide a seating position raised by more than one inch in the front and more than 2.5 inches in the rear when compared to its predecessor. Leg room in the rear has increased by 1.5 inches in standard specification and by up to 2.6 inches with the optionally adjustable rear seat while accessible storage areas like the compartment in front of the shifter emphasize the versatile character of all new BMW X1.

The driver focused cockpit and generously sized surfaces define the interior of the new BMW X1 as a classic Sports Activity Vehicle. The flat surfaces of the instrument panel and center console controls all angled towards the driver aim to help and maintain control over the surroundings at all times regardless of changing road conditions.

The rear seatback can be split 40:20:40, with the three sections folding down individually or jointly. An optional sliding and reclining rear bench with individual elements that can slide forward or back by up to five inches allowing seating comfort and storage capacity to be adjusted even more precisely. The tilt angle for the rear-seat backrest can also be adjusted when fitted with the optional equipment seats and ranges from 31 degrees all the way to a near-vertical cargo position of 1 degree. A power-folding feature enables the rear seats to be folded at the touch of a button inside the luggage compartment. Cargo space has been increased by more than 15 percent (based on European measurements) allowing plenty of storage practicality.

The standard automatic tailgate operation makes using the X1’s load-carrying capacity even easier, and Comfort Access, offered as part of the Premium Package also includes a hands-free tailgate opening and closing function.

The passenger compartment of the all new BMW X1 has large door pockets and offers a selection of smaller storage areas. A storage compartment is integrated into the instrument panel on the driver’s side. Positioned in front of the gearshift selector lever in the center console beneath a sliding cover are two cupholders. The front armrest for the driver and front passenger includes an integrated storage compartment. The standard storage package includes features such as nets in the backrest of the driver and the front passenger seat and a central armrest with cupholders for the rear adding to the new X1’s storage offerings. Safe transportation of goods is assured with a strap and net in the trunk.

Attractive equipment variants and exclusive comfort-enhancing options

Customers can choose between two non-metallic and nine metallic exterior paint finishes, allowing them to tailor their new BMW X1 to their individual tastes. Estoril Blue metallic is exclusively offered in combination with the M Sport package. Mirroring brand specific characteristics, the new BMW X1 offers a broad range of individualization. The M Sport package, available later this year, provides a sportier, quicker and slicker look and feel thanks to the 8-speed Sport Automatic transmission featuring steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters supported by M Steering Wheel and M Sport suspension and Sport Seats.

The Premium Package highlights once more BMW core attributes achieving an even higher look and feel of quality. The optional panoramic moonroof, increased in size compared to the outgoing model, underlines the roominess of the vehicle’s interior whereas the full LED headlights, both available with the Premium Package, highlight a strong and powerful stance on the road.

Standard equipment also includes front fog-lamps, alarm with remote-controlled central locking and keyless engine ignition, electric window controls, electrically adjustable and heated exterior mirrors, a multifunction leather steering wheel adjustable for height and reach, a rain sensor including automatic headlight control and Dynamic Cruise Control.

Commanding presence, robust proportions, dynamic lines

The signature BMW X model design cues shape the all new BMW X1, while the height has been increased by an additional 1.7 inches, for a robust stance in all driving situations. The large, upright BMW kidney grille, lower air intake done in three sections and characteristic “six-eyed” looked formed by the twin round headlights and fog lamps give the new BMW X1 its distinctive face. Emphasizing the bold look of the new BMW X1, LED Daytime Running Lights are now standard with LED headlights available in conjunction with the Premium Package.

Flared wheel arches and lines converge in an X-shape into the kidney grille, contributing to the authoritative presence of the new BMW X1. Black borders on the lower edge of the body, the square contour of the wheel cutouts and the generous volume of the surfaces above them, all underline the solid statute of the compact BMW X-models. The center of the new BMW X1’s rear apron rises up significantly, mimicking the characteristic element of the front design. Their flat outline emphasizes the width of the rear end, with the vertically arranged black aeroblades which perfectly mirrors the roof spoiler, adding sporting accents.

The all new BMW X1 offers standard 18-inch run-flat all-season tires with non-run-flat all seasons and a space saver spare available as a no-cost option for the first time. Our sport oriented customers can chose 19-inch run-flat performance tires as optional equipment.

The interior offers harmonious balance between driver focus and elegance befitting the classic style of a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle. The flat surfaces of the instrument panel and center console controls angled towards the driver providing great overview inside and outside the vehicle. The controls located in the lower section of the center console are surrounded by high-quality surfaces and are with a newly designed trim accent bar. The instrument cluster, consisting of two circular instruments and framed by a small binnacle, also helps the driver to focus on driving.

The iDrive operating system’s Control Display comes in the form of a high resolution 6.5-inch or, optionally, 8.8-inch freestanding monitor. The interior trim accent and air vents are surrounded by an interior trim spanning the full width of the instrument panel. The interior trim and accent strip extend through the door panel trim, with the effect that occupants in all seats are surrounded by premium surfaces with a uniform material and color structure.

Other standard interior features include: Power front seats with driver-side memory, Anthracite headliner, storage package and multifunction sport leather steering wheel. Standard equipment for the new BMW X1 also includes an all-new SensaTec seat surface available in both Black and Canberra Beige and a Black high-gloss interior trim with Pearl chrome accent strips. Perforated Dakota leather trim is available in Black, Canberra Beige, Mocha, and Oyster as are interior Brushed Aluminum and fine-wood matt Oak Grain and Fineline Stream interior trims.

The standard sound system with 7 loudspeakers provides high quality audio. The optional Harman Kardon HiFi system, complete with 12 loudspeakers and a digital amplifier with 360-watt output, provide an outstanding audio experience while on the road.

Powertrain and driving experience

The second generation BMW X1 uses an all-new powertrain and chassis technology to build systematically on the compact BMW X model’s versatile sporting ability in its segment. The newly developed chassis technology, which ensures not only precisely controllable handling, but also noticeably improved ride comfort is another key factor that further enhances agility on the all new BMW X1. Together with the car’s low center of gravity, a wide track, short overhangs, optimized weight and the impressive rigidity of the body and chassis, all contribute to lay the foundation for a driving experience familiar to BMW drivers but without parallel in the class.

Highest power in it’s class

The all new BMW X1 will be available from launch with an all-new 2.0-liter BMW TwinPower Turbo engine featuring a twin-tailpipe design that draws further attention to the sporty character of the all new BMW X1. The BMW X1 xDrive28i features BMW’s new modular BMW EfficientDynamics engine, a 2.0-liter TwinPower Turbo 4-cylinder unit with a TwinScroll turbocharger, High Precision Injection, VALVETRONIC fully variable valve lift, and Double-VANOS variable camshaft timing. This powerful engine develops 228 hp at 5,000 rpm, representing the highest power output in the entry model class and thanks to BMW’s EfficientDynamics technology. The peak torque of 258 lb-ft, which is available between 1,250 rpm and 4,500 rpm ensures once again that the driving torque is effortlessly and instantly delivered for a dynamic and agile driving experience. Its instantaneous pulling power enables acceleration of 0 to 60 mph in 6.3 seconds. The new BMW X1 xDrive28i CO2 emissions stand at 152– 49 grams per kilometer (in the EU test cycle, depending on the tire format specified). US EPA mileage estimates will be available closer to launch.

Flexible, quick to respond and more efficient than ever: the xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system in the new BMW X1

The compact, low-weight and efficient all-wheel-drive system distributes the engine’s power between the front and rear axle exactly as the situation requires – at all times. Working closely with DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) allows the system to act preemptively to counteract any tendency on the car’s towards oversteer or understeer. The BMW xDrive system therefore ensures excellent traction, optimized directional stability and enhanced cornering dynamics in all weather and road conditions. Furthermore, the combination of the DSC system and xDrive also includes Hill Descent Control.

The xDrive system of the all new BMW X1 consists of a single-speed bevel gear and a rear-axle drive unit with an electrohydraulically controlled multi-plate clutch than controls longitudinal torque distribution. The two are connected by a two-piece drive shaft. When required, the multi-plate clutch – with the help of an electrohydraulic pump – diverts up to 100 percent of the engine’s power to the rear wheels. It does so within fractions of a second and unnoticed by the driver. The DSC system keeps the pump’s control unit constantly supplied with important data for analyzing the driving situation. The data includes the vehicle’s speed, lateral and longitudinal acceleration, steering lock, wheel-speed, pitch, accelerator position and the Driving Dynamic Control and DSC settings. This information is used to determine – and instantly generate – the ideal power split between the front and rear wheels, seamlessly and flexibly.

A recipe for enthralling agility: sophisticated chassis technology

The chassis technology of the original X1 has been totally redeveloped for the new model with aluminum wheel hubs, as well as axle carriers and control arms made from high-strength steel, reduce weight and increase the rigidity of the front axle, which in turn helps to ensure an agile turn-in response and direction-changing precision. The rear axle also employs a high proportion of high-strength steels. Tube-shaped anti-roll bars at the front and rear axle, innovative axle mounting and specially tuned elastokinematics contribute to the agility and ride comfort of the all new BMW X1, as do the connection of the dampers to the body via sophisticated three-way support mounts.

The all new BMW X1 is equipped with standard Servotronic speed-sensitive steering assistance. This system allows parking and turning maneuvers to be completed safely and comfortably with little steering effort, and at higher speeds drivers can also benefit from steering precision and straight line stability as the steering effort is increased just the right amount.

The Driving Dynamic Control switch on the center console allows the driver to give the car’s set-up an even sportier, more comfort-oriented or efficiency-optimized character. Calling up COMFORT, SPORT or ECO PRO mode at the touch of a button adapts the responses of the accelerator pedal and steering as well as shift characteristics of the automatic transmission are also adjusted if the relevant equipment has been specified.

The Dynamic Stability Control stability system includes features such as the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Dynamic Traction Control (DTC), Cornering Brake Control (CBC), Dynamic Brake Control (DBC), Brake Assist system, Brake Fade Compensation, Brake Drying Braking and Start-Off Assistant and Performance Control. When DSC is deactivated, an electronic locking function for the front axle differential – known as Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC) – comes into play. In tight corners the system brakes a spinning wheel as required and ensures power is diverted to the other wheel.

The enhanced functional effectiveness of all powertrain components, intelligent energy management, the rigorous application of BMW Lightweight technology and far-reaching measures designed to optimize aerodynamics all play a role in enhancing the efficiency of the all new, second generation BMW X1. The innovations developed under the BMW EfficientDynamics umbrella delivers greater driving pleasure.

Optimized exterior design

The all new BMW X1 also has smooth underbody paneling, air deflectors on the front wheel arches and vertical aeroblades, which form a unit with the roof spoiler to channel the airflow around the rear of the car to best effect. The Air Curtains integrated into the outer air intakes channel the onrushing air precisely behind the front fenders causing it to hang over the wheels like a curtain and thus reduce turbulence.

Engine, gearbox and BMW xDrive: lower weight, improved efficiency

The engine in the BMW X1 xDrive28i benefits from the latest incarnation of BMW TwinPower Turbo technology with TwinScroll turbocharger and the most recently updated generation of VALVETRONIC. This latest 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine incorporates aluminum crankcase and cylinder head, forged steel crankshafts with an integrated balance shaft drive, low-weight pistons, forged connecting rods, friction-reduced cylinder coatings and map-controlled oil pumps.

With the reduced weight and enhanced internal efficiency, the new 8-speed Steptronic transmission also helps to optimize efficiency. The reduced converter slip of the new automatic transmission cuts energy losses, and its wider gear spread keeps revs lower at higher vehicle speeds contributing to the reduced emissions.

The BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system developed for the new BMW X1 is considerably lighter with powertrain losses that are reduced by 30 percent in normal driving situations .The improved functional effectiveness of the new rear differential also helps to deliver a particularly efficient all-wheel-drive experience.

Intelligent energy management, ECO PRO mode with coasting function

The BMW EfficientDynamics technology employed in the new BMW X1 includes intelligent energy management. Brake Energy Regeneration enables extremely efficient power generation for the on-board power supply. The Electric Power Steering and on-demand fuel and coolant pumps work with maximum efficiency.

ECO PRO mode – activated via the Driving Dynamics Control switch – also allows drivers of new BMW X1 to make use of the coasting function. At speeds between 30-100 mph, the powertrain is disengaged when the driver takes his or her foot off the accelerator. Further efficiency gains have been achieved with items including reduced-friction wheel bearings.

BMW EfficientLightweight technology ensuring efficiency

The enhanced functional effectiveness of all powertrain components, intelligent energy management, BMW Lightweight technology and measures designed to optimize aerodynamics all play a role in ensuring that the new BMW X1 it is significantly more efficient. The innovations developed under the BMW EfficientDynamics banner form an overall package that delivers greater and more efficient driving pleasure.

An intelligent mix of materials for the body structure and chassis components of the new BMW X1 allows increased agility, lower vibrations and enhanced safety to be combined with optimized vehicle weight. The targeted use of hot-stamped, high and ultra-high tensile steels reduces the weight of the X1 yet also significantly improves torsional rigidity and strength. Contributing to the Lightweight construction of the BMW X1, components like the hood, the bumper supports and wheel hubs – among other areas of the car – are made of aluminum.

The weight of the chassis has been reduced by the deployment of components such as tube-shaped anti-roll bars, output shafts and damper piston rods, not to mention the increased use of aluminum. The integrated BMW EfficientLightweight concept also contains solutions for construction details, such as the production of steel with optimized material strength – in the form of tailored rolled blanks – for the front bulkhead and B-pillar support beams.

BMW ConnectedDrive: Progress through intelligent connectivity

The second generation BMW X1 also brings significant advances in the field of intelligent connectivity over its predecessor. The new selection of options designed to optimize comfort; safety and the use of infotainment functions, such as the Head-Up Display, take their cues from those available from other BMW Sports Activity Vehicles.

BMW ConnectedDrive features on the new BMW X1 now include the newest BMW Head-Up Display which projects driving-related activities directly onto the windshield. The optional high-resolution 8.8-inch Control Display with touchpad controller will host BMW Online, BMW Apps, Remote Services and provide Advanced Real-Time Traffic Information. As an option, a high-resolution 6.5″ screen navigation with BMW Online, BMW Apps, Remote Services, Advanced Real Time Traffic Information is also available. By adding to the functionality of the infotainment system the new BMW X1 allows for increased safety by simultaneously providing greater comfort, all based on user selection.

Technology Package including BMW Head-Up Display

The Navigation option assists route guidance on the standard Control Display with direction arrows and sophisticated map graphics, including views from various angles. With the standard multifunction steering wheel, the destination can also be entered by voice command. Another, in many respects pioneering option is the Navigation system, which comprises a bigger 8.8-inch Control Display, an instrument cluster with extended features, including a split-screen function as well as the BMW Head-Up Display. This system allows High Guidance instructions including lane recommendations to be shown in the instrument cluster’s TFT display or projected onto the windshield, as desired. The BMW Head-Up Display projects this and other information directly into the driver’s field of view, allowing him or her to register the information without having to divert their gaze from the road ahead. The graphics are displayed using the full spectrum of colors. The 8.8-inch Control Display in conjunction with the standard multifunction steering wheel destination also allow for info input by voice command.

Driver Assistance Plus

The camera-based assistance systems available for the new BMW X1 ensure greater assurance and safety in different driving situations. The Driver Assistance Plus package encompasses Lane Departure Warning, Speed Limit Info, Automatic High Beams, as well as Frontal Collision Warning with Pedestrian Warning and City Collision Mitigation. In addition to these functions, the Driver Assistance Plus package also features the Active Cruise Control system with Stop & Go function. Park Distance Control and the Rear-View Camera are part of the Driver Assistance Package that transfers images onto the Control Display, making precise and comfortable parking maneuvers that much easier. Parking Assistant is included with the Driver Assistance Package and also helps the driver to find and make use of parallel parking spaces.

BMW ConnectedDrive Services and apps

The ConnectedDrive Services option enables the use of the BMW Online internet portal via the SIM card embedded in the vehicle, as well as the integration of smartphone apps into the car. Standard features also include BMW Assist eCall and BMW Teleservices. The steadily growing selection of smartphone apps comprises web radio functions as well as the use of social network services such as Facebook and Twitter or services like Spotify, Life 360, iHeartRadio among many more.

The ConnectedDrive Store offers even more flexibility. A one-time registration allows customers to adapt the range of services available to their individual needs – there and then or at a later stage. The ConnectedDrive Store is not only available on the internet but also directly in the car. The functions purchased are made available for use just minutes later.Pricing will be announced closer to launch.

The new BMW X1. Urban all-rounder delivers boundless driving pleasure.

The new BMW X1 – the successor to the model that blazed the trail for this class of car – treats the premium compact segment to an even more potent shot of Sports Activity Vehicle DNA. The second generation of this successful model, more than 730,000 units of which have now been sold, takes to the stage with a body design straight out of the BMW X model mould. The interior of the new BMW X1, meanwhile, offers significantly more space for passengers and luggage, a cutting-edge premium ambience and functionality grounded in solid engineering. Four-cylinder engines from the BMW Group’s latest generation of power units, an efficiency-optimised version of the BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system and newly developed chassis technology all help to palpably enhance sporting ability and ride comfort compared to the outgoing model – with fuel consumption and emissions reduced by up to 17 per cent, model-on-model.

Alongside its market-leading dynamics and efficiency, a host of innovative equipment features also help to secure the new BMW X1 its stand-out position in the segment. Among the items on the options list are full-LED headlights, Dynamic Damper Control, the BMW Head-Up Display and the Driving Assistant Plus system.

A typical BMW X model: sturdy proportions, impressive variability and established premium characteristics.Rugged proportions, a powerful presence and dynamic lines lend the new BMW X1 a commanding appearance and highlight its status as the youngest member of the BMW X model family. The new model has grown in height compared to its predecessor (+53 millimetres), which has helped increase the spaciousness of the interior. And its significantly raised seating position (+36 millimetres at the front, +64 millimetres at the rear) optimises the driver’s view out over the road.

Knee room in the rear has increased by 37 millimetres in standard specification and by up to 66 millimetres with the optionally adjustable rear seat, while the 505-litre boot capacity is 85 litres larger than that of its predecessor. Folding down the standard-fitted 40:20:40 rear seat backrest, which can also be specified in angle-adjustable form as an option, allows load capacity to be expanded to as much as 1,550 litres. The optional folding front passenger seat backrest and a rear seat bench which can slide 13 centimetres fore and aft offer additional variability.

The interior design of the new BMW X1 combines the driver-focused cockpit design that has become a hallmark of the brand’s models with touches promoting authoritative, SAV-style driving pleasure and a contemporary premium ambience. Standard equipment includes air conditioning, an audio system with USB and AUX-in sockets, and the iDrive operating system, whose 6.5-inch display is integrated into the instrument panel in freestanding monitor form. Meanwhile, the Advantage, Sport Line, xLine and M Sport packages available as an alternative to standard specification open the door for targeted individualisation.

New generation of engines, efficiency-optimised xDrive all-wheel-drive system.The second-generation BMW X1 (fuel consumption combined: 6.4–4.1 litres/100 km [44.1–68.9 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 149–109 g/km) lines up with an all-new selection of engines. Two petrol and three diesel units will be available from launch in October 2015, all of which have four cylinders and are members of the BMW Group’s new engine family. Outputs range from 110 kW/150 hp to 170 kW/231 hp. The engines link up with either a six-speed manual gearbox or an eight-speed Steptronic unit, both of which are new developments.

The xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system also takes its place in the new BMW X1 in a further developed form. The weight-saving, compact and efficient system uses an electro-hydraulically controlled multi-plate clutch to distribute drive between the front and rear axle just as required for the situation at hand. Joining the fray in the BMW X1 sDrive20i and BMW X1 sDrive18d, meanwhile, is a front-wheel-drive construction which has been developed to deliver the driving dynamics typical of the brand and has already proved its mettle in the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer and BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer.

Premiere in the BMW X1: Head-Up Display and Driving Assistant Plus.The change of BMW X1 generations also brings significant advances in the field of intelligent connectivity. A new addition to the range of BMW ConnectedDrive features is a BMW Head-Up Display which, as in the larger BMW X models, projects driving-related information directly onto the windscreen. The BMW X1 can now also be specified with the Driving Assistant Plus line-up of the Active Cruise Control system with Stop & Go function, Lane Departure Warning, Traffic Jam Assistant, Collision Warning and Pedestrian Warning with City Braking function. These systems are complemented by an up-to-the-minute selection of apps allowing customers to add to the car’s comfort, navigation and infotainment functionality, as desired.

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Επίσημο, BMW X1 2016,episimo, BMW X1 2016