«Θύμα» της γοητείας του Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη και η Αμερικανίδα αρχαιολόγος Ντόροθι Κινγκ

Η γνωστή Αμερικανίδα αρχαιολόγος Ντόροθι Κινγκ είναι γνωστό ότι έχει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον για τη χώρα μας, τόσο από ιστορικής/ αρχαιολογικής πλευράς όσο και από πολιτικής – αν και με έναν ιδιαίτερο τρόπο, όπως προκύπτει από τα σχόλια τα οποία έκανε για τον υπουργό Οικονομικών, Γιάνη Βαρουφάκη, από τον λογαριασμό της στο Twitter.

(Honestly all I was doing is admiring the manliness of the new government

from afar ... Nothing more ;-) promise!)

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

Oh sod it, my gentle admiration for Minister Macho is less embarrassing the The Londoner pretending my doorstep is *her* home in photos ;-)

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

Whoops apparently I can't jest about Mr Macho without ... Right, I'm off to play with baby goats (real goats! Not an euphemism for men!)

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

"“Everybody knows we are insolvent. What is the point of us borrowing another €7bn to pay back the ECB" yup, common sense is macho!

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

I don't know anything about Greek politics, or If Syriza will manage to do anything for Greece - but love that they brought the Balls back!

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

"Mr Varoufakis was coy about" oh now we've hit Carry On ... ;-)

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

"The flamboyant finance minister, surviving on adrenaline as he darts from one EU power centre to another" someone get him a Frappe stat!

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

"I will try to be as charming as I can in Berlin"
OMG Varoufakis can be even *more* charming?!,
Thank goodness I won't be there ;-) #Swoon

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015

Prime Minister Eye Candy and Minister Macho ... Thank you @TelegraphNews ... pic.twitter.com/NKsaDZvBhL

— Dorothy Lobel King (@DorothyKing) February 4, 2015
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