'Still work to do' in Greek programme, Dijsselbloem says on arrival for Eurogroup

22:02 7/7/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Arriving for a meeting of Eurozone finance ministers here on Monday, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that "there is still work to do" with respect to Greece's fiscal adjustment programme, which is due to be completed at the end
of the year.
Pointing out that the Eurogroup Working Group had cleared the May tranche of bailout loans to Greece, amounting to 1.0 billion euros, Dijsselbloem said that this was "not the last tranche in the programme".
Asked to comment on the issue of flexibility in fiscal stability rules, he replied that there was already sufficient flexibility, both in terms of prevention and of correction. He also noted that countries that moved within the criteria of the pact had greater margins for flexibility, while several member-states had been given additional time in recent years to correct any imbalances.
Member-states could buy more time only when they carried out economic reforms that had a positive impact on the state budget, he added.
"We want to see the reforms implemented, not just promised," Dijsselbloem said, adding that the European Commission was responsible for assessing the implementation of reforms.
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