Four arrested over Elliniko fatal funfair accident face criminal charges

17:19 29/4/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Authorities changed the charges against those arrested over the fatal accident at the Elliniko funfair on Sunday, which resulted to the death of a 13-year-old boy and the injury of his 9-year-old sister, to felonies.

Judicial authorities converted the charges pressed on Monday against the four accused to felonies from misdemeanors in view of new evidence. The initial charges for negligent manslaughter and injuries were converted to homicide with possible intent and causing severe bodily harm.

The four accused -- the manager of the operating company, the Italian national who had rented the equipment and two employees from Bangladesh -who were expected to testify over misdemeanors charges requested and were given by the investigating magistrate of the case a new deadline to appear before the authorities on Friday.
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