What's in the Stars today, June 29?

Today, you will find satisfaction in being sociable and sharing time, ideas, knowledge and interests with others

St Peter and St Paul's day. Many happy returns of the day!

Moon in Sagittarius

Start the week with optimism and focus on the positive things in your life! With the Moon in the house

of benefactor and cheerful Jupiter you are encouraged to do things that bring joy to your daily life. At the same time, everything can go smoothly today, from relationships and contacts to work and finances. It's a perfect day to participate in athletic or intellectual workshops, get in touch with cheerful or foreign people and talk to someone who lives far away. You will find satisfaction in being sociable and sharing time, ideas, knowledge and interests with others.

Venus in Leo trine Uranus at 20º Aries

Be daring, original and live a full and happy life! These days your heart starts beating faster and your eyes are wide open with surprise and joy! Happiness will make an unexpected entrance into your life while you can expect gifts, freedom and exciting opportunities in your finances. Do something novel in any area of your life and you will experience happiness in an unforeseen way!
Take advantage of this particularly favourable planetary arrangement especially if you are Leo, Sagittarius or Aries born at the end of the second and the beginning of the third decan. Also, if your Ascendant or any planets are between 17º and 23º of the above signs.

You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo or Aquarius and Libra of the first and second decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a fabulous week full of positive events, messages and visions.

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