Βαρβάτο patch για το Torchlight 2

Το δεύτερο patch του Torchlight 2 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο, φέρνοντας στο παιχνίδι πολλές βελτιώσεις. Δείτε την αναλυτική λίστα με τις αλλαγές του patch παρακάτω και πείτε μας γνώμη!

Patch Notes

*Shared stash now creates a backup of itself
*You can no longer ‘steal’ items from your buyback tab by closing the window

with Spacebar
*Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab
*Gambler does not show ‘can’t equip’ X
*CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility
*Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment
*Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster
*Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG console command (may improve performance for some clients)
*Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won’t revert your stored difficulty to Normal.
*Confirmation box added for quitting without saving
*Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes
*Particle update optimizations
*Various rendering optimizations

*Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta
*Armor Degrade properties now apply properly – degrade armor values were reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly – but don’t worry, they will be better than before!
*Zero walkspeed monsters won’t attempt to jump down
*Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress
*Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a ‘powerful enchantment’, which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.
*Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon
*Creep squish blood now has a censored version
*Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly
*Fixed a few spelling errors
*Act 4 banner should properly display
*Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms
*Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations
*DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%
*XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%
*HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning
*Game can be saved at any time from the options menu
*Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place
*Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created
*Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%
*Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer
*When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients
*Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons

Τυχαία Θέματα