USAF maps the future of F-15 Strike Eagle capability upgrades

21:28 25/7/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

The US Air Force (USAF) has issued a request for information (RFI) to chart a course for future capability upgrades to its fleet of Boeing F-15 Eagle-series combat aircraft.

The F-15 Roadmap Candidate Collection RFI, announced by the Fighters and

Advanced Aircraft Directorate, F-15 Division (AFLCMC/WAQ) on 21 July, seeks information regarding potential technology and capability improvements to be included in future F-15EX Advanced Eagle production and/or for incorporation into the legacy F-15E Strike Eagle fleet.

“The F-15 Division, in collaboration with Air Combat Command, hosted a warfighter (operator and maintainer) workshop to identify and prioritise current and future capability gaps. The workshop resulted in the creation of a single, prioritised list of gaps that generically fell into six categories,” the service said.

These six categories comprised: Prosecute – the ability to engage and eliminate targets; Survive – the ability to live through engagements with enemy systems; Persist – the ability to extend operations in the required environments; Interoperability – the ability to effectively communicate with other weapon systems; Maintain – the ability to sustain the F-15E/EX fleets; Train – the ability to support operator and maintainer training.

While the USAF published the six categories, it noted that the deficiencies identified in each of those categories were classified.


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