Russian Foreign Ministry posts tweet on the Battle of Navarino, in message to Erdogan and Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman plans (video)

The Russian Foreign Ministry posted a video on its official Twitter account on Tuesday commemorating the 193rd anniversary of the “Naval Battle of Naavrino”, which aided a newly rising Greece on its path to Independence from the Ottoman Empire.

The move was seen as an indirect message towards Tayyip Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman dreams.

“⚔⛵ 193 years ago, the combined squadron of Russia, Great Britain and France defeated the Turkish-Egyptian fleet in the Bay of Navarino. The triumph of the allied fleet became one of the prerequisites for Greece’s independence,” wrote the post.

⚔⛵ 193 years ago, the combined squadron of Russia, Great Britain and France defeated the Turkish-Egyptian fleet in the Bay of Navarino. The triumph of the allied fleet became one of the prerequisites for Greece's independence.

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