NATO Military Committee Chairman visits Allied Land Command

08:03 15/9/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee visited NATO’s Allied Land Command in Izmir, Turkey on 9 September 2020.

He met with Commander LANDCOM, Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr who took office in August of this year. While at the Command, Air

Chief Marshal Peach received briefings on LANDCOM’s mission responsibilities and the security situation in neighbouring countries.

Speaking with Lt Gen Cloutier Jr, the Chairman discussed the Defence and Deterrence of the Euro-Atlantic Area concept, how LANDCOM enables the readiness, interoperability, standardization, and competencies of NATO and Partner land forces as well as the challenges from NATO’s southern flank. Commander LANDCOM also took the opportunity to inform the Chairman of LANDCOM’s new approach for Combat Readiness Evaluations (CREVAL), which it undertakes, under the auspices of NATO’s Allied Command Operation.

The Chairman commended Commander LANDCOM for the work the command assumes on behalf of the Alliance – all the training, conferences, CREVAL certifications, and exercises. Air Chief Marshal stressed how NATO is constantly looking how it can further improve the readiness of its forces, to move them rapidly, and to sustain them and how greatly encouraged he was following his briefings and visit at LANDCOM.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach stated, “The Alliance is playing a key role in responding to challenges from the south, including through our mission in Afghanistan, our training mission in Iraq and our AWACS surveillance flights for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. Working with our partners, our aim is to help manage crises in the region. To build the resilience of our partners, so we can help prevent crises from occurring, and increase our own deterrence and defence when dealing with challenges from our southern neighbourhood”.

The term Combat Readiness Evaluation of Land Headquarters and Units (CREVAL) denotes the validation and assessment of combat readiness of earmarked land force units declared for conducting allied operations under the NATO’s Allied Command Operations. The CREVAL consists of two phases, an in-barracks phase and an in-field inspection.


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