Aυτή η γυναίκα δείχνει ότι ακόμα και οι «τέλειες» μπαλαρίνες έχουν ατέλειες… (ΕΙΚΟΝΑ)

Η Kylie Shea είναι επαγγελματίας μπαλαρίνα και αποφάσισε να διαψεύσει όσους πιστεύουν ότι υπάρχουν τα τέλεια κορμιά.

Με μια φωτογραφία που ανέβασε στο instagram και δεν έχει υποστεί επεξεργασία, δείχνει την κυτταρίτιδα της και έγραψε ότι ήταν πάντα επικριτική με το σώμα της καθώς ντρεπόταν για την κυτταρίτιδα που έχει στα πόδια της.

«Έχω κυτταρίτιδα από τότε που ήμουν έφηβη και μέχρι σήμερα με κάνει να νιώθω ευάλωτη. Πάλεψα μέσα στα χρόνια με ανθυγιεινές τροφικές

συνήθειες σα μικρό κορίτσι, και συνεχίζω να έχω αυξομειώσεις βάρους μέχρι σήμερα», αναφέρει. Αλλά για πρώτη φορά άρχισε να αγνοεί αυτές τις ατέλειές της.

«Μόλις τελείωσα μια πολύ καλή δουλειά αυτή την εβδομάδα και είχα προπονηθεί σκληρά για την προετοιμασία και σήμερα όταν κοίταξα στον καθρέφτη, δεν έκρινα τον εαυτό μου για την κυτταρίτιδά μου όπως κάνω συνήθως. Ένιωσα υποχρεωμένη να μοιραστώ αυτό το κομμάτι μου που ήταν πάντα άβολο», έγραψε.

In a world of flawlessly edited photos, I wanted to share a raw and unedited moment that I had before class today. I’ve had cellulite since I was a pubescent teenager and to this day it makes me feel very vulnerable. I struggled through years of unhealthy eating habits as a young girl, and I continue to work my way through weight gains and losses to this day. I just finished a very special job this week and have been training incredibly hard to prepare, and today when I looked in the mirror I found myself for the first time not judging my cellulite like I usually do and I was compelled to share this part of me that has always felt so uncomfortable. Social media seems to be flooded with women that have not even a square inch of cellulite, as does the classical ballet world, and so I just wanted anyone out there who struggles with this to know that you are not alone. Keep training hard and remember that our bodies will respond best to all of our hard work when our minds are healthy and our souls are nourished Sending my love to you all. And I hope this post helps someone xxxooo #KylieShea #ballerina #balletdancer #realtalk #bodyimage #selflove

A post shared by Kylie Shea (@kyliesheaxo) on Feb 11, 2018 at 11:16am PST

@PointeChronicles • Ciao 2017 Every few months I like to compile a one minute video mashup to see what creative ideas and impulses I followed. It is a strange sensation to watch them all back to back (mostly in chronological order) because I can vividly remember how I was feeling during each session. These past 6 months were filled with some of my highest highs and lowest lows thus far in my career, and my gut is that it’s just a warmup for whats to come. Through it all I am so grateful to be able to share the journey with you all. Your comments, messages, and emails touch my heart and fuel my soul with the strength and inspiration to never give up and know that I am not alone. So thank you, to each and every one of you. Cheers to the rollercoaster that was 2017… though the challenges were many, they have prepared us for what’s to come. No matter what, keep growing, keep loving, and keep dancing. Wishing you and yours all the love and fulfillment in the world for 2018 #KylieShea #PointeChronicles #ballerina #balletdancer #ballerinas #dancing #ballet #dancers

A post shared by Kylie Shea (@kyliesheaxo) on Dec 31, 2017 at 8:17am PST

“ Normality is a paved road; It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow. “ • @balletzaida • #KylieShea #balletzaida #ballerina #balletdancer #artistlife

A post shared by Kylie Shea (@kyliesheaxo) on Feb 1, 2018 at 9:18am PST

The post Aυτή η γυναίκα δείχνει ότι ακόμα και οι «τέλειες» μπαλαρίνες έχουν ατέλειες… (ΕΙΚΟΝΑ) appeared first on Lady's Life.

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