The Moscow Metro opens new Aminievskoye depot for the Big Circle Line

On 9 January, the Moscow Metro opened the third depot – Aminyevskoye – to service trains of the Big Circle Line (BCL).

The Aminievskoe electric depot is one of the largest in the Moscow Metro in terms of the area and the number of workplaces. It was built in the west of the capital not far from the intersection

of General Dorokhov and Vereyskaya streets. More than 60 buildings and structures with a total area of 100 thousand square metres were erected on a 15.7 hectare plot. The new facility has the most modern equipment and applies new technical solutions. For example, stationary overhead platforms for servicing the climatic installations of cars in the depot, installations for automatic disinfection and sterilization of train interiors.

The launch of the new depot will ensure uninterrupted operation of the BCL and will increase the number of trains running on the line by almost 25%. This will allow to create comfortable and modern conditions, will ensure the reliability of the metro as a whole.

Earlier, the network has reconstructed another depot for the BCL – Zamoskvoretskoye depot – and built the new Nizhegorodskoye depot. In total, the three depots will serve about 100 modern trains.

(Moscow Metro)

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Τυχαία Θέματα
Moscow Metro, Aminievskoye,Big Circle Line