Editorial: Vigilance

Ankara’s new provocations against Athens with the overflight of a Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle over the Greek island of Kandelioussa, and Ankara’s recent rhetoric regarding the extension of the territorial waters of Greece, cannot and should not be underestimated by our country.

Obviously, this

is part of a long-term strategy of neo-Ottomanism and “Blue Motherland” expansionism at sea, as well as a virtual disputation of sovereign rights. It is also clear that it is linked to multiple domestic crises of the Turkish state and to being barricaded behind “enemies” – a desperate attempt by a partly deconstructed Erdogan.

The new tension concern how Turkey is banking on the new, fluid geopolitical terrain in the Southeastern Mediterranean and more broadly.

Greece is not a precarious country. It is not a country with a deficit of democracy or with verbalistic and chauvinist visions.

It is an organic member of NATO and the EU and a force for regional peace and stability. That does not mean that it does not keep battle-worthiness high, or that it is not in a constant state of vigilance in the defence of its red lines and borders.

Greece is a peaceful Western country, but without being pliant and complaisant.

Through deterrence and decisiveness it sends the analogous signal.

Through constant diplomatic pressure, it reminds one that Greece’s borders are the EU’s borders.

Let both friend and foe keep that in mind.

Τυχαία Θέματα