Editorial: The Greek capital

Athens charms visitors but it is a difficult city to live in for its residents.

Historical and economic causes and short-sighted outlooks deprived her of invaluable public spaces which other capitals give their residents generously.

Improving daily life was a top

aim for the capital and now it is the sole objective.

Ta Nea today presents the Athens Municipality plan which is daring but must also be functional.

Such a plan must make life easier for residents and facilitate all their activities that require movement and not just by car because the international trend is to banish cars from city centres.

That means other means of transportation will be supported including an extensive network of bicycle lanes.

It means there must be a comprehensive approach that will take all parameters into account and not just piecemeal measures.

That is the only way Greece will get the contemporary capital that it deserves which will continue to charm visitors but will also be loved by residents who treat it as their home.

Τυχαία Θέματα