Editorial: Responsibility

Amidst a surge of the highly transmissible COVID-19 Omicron variant, the endurance of society and the National Health System is being tested.

Despite the fact that we have a way to go, we have accumulated experience and weapons that shield us.

We must keep this in mind now that there is a surge in the pandemic that is again endangering the public health

and cohesion of societies.

Along with preventive measures, the vaccine, and epidemiological tracing, a portion of the responsibility has shifted to the whole of society.

The need for personal responsibility is not an excuse for shirking central responsibility. Yet, it is must be part of a collective behaviour and an organic part of social solidarity, especially now.

There is no room for an irresponsible stance akin to that in societies that exited the pandemic.

We are in the holiday season, but we should not permit these days to become fateful for thousands of citizens, destroying the progress made through a long series of collective efforts and sacrifices.

It will not be easy, but it is mandatory. It is a major challenge that reflects the maturity of society.

The triptych of responsibility is comprised of the vaccine, protective measures, and solidarity.

Let us have all that at holiday gatherings with the expectation that the nightmare will soon be a thing of the past for humanity.

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