Editorial: Political parties transforming

Undoubtedly, the election by the party’s base of SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras (the sole candidate) and of party organs signals a step forward in the country’s political terrain.

Citizens nationwide, albeit belatedly, are beginning to participate in the political processes within the party, following the

example of New Democracy and PASOK.

Certainly, SYRIZA has a way to go before it transforms into a contemporary party that is in touch with the challenges of our times and not caught up in verbalism and ideological fixations.

What was missing in the party’s recent convention and the post-convention activity was a comprehensive and honest review and contemplation of SYRIZA’s record while in power.

A party without self-criticism and renewal cannot move forward, especially at a time when the overarching objective is the transformation of parties and their contribution to democracy and its achievements.

It would be irrational in the era of the digital revolution for SYRIZA to repeat the traditional party rituals of the previous century, and it would be even more unbefitting for it to repeat the past mistakes of its worse self.

High-pitched opposition rhetoric is one thing, but toxic language and phraseology is quite another.

It would also be wrong to interpret in a punitive manner the participation of citizens in SYRIZA’s election.

Alexis Tsipras himself described it as a celebration of democracy and, regardless of the turnout, he must demonstrate that he means it.

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