Editorial: A multi-faceted foreign policy

On the common ground of diplomacy, Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias has developed a good chemistry with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.

Today, he is visiting Moscow for the third time in two years.

The trip comes at a critical moment for all of Europe and amidst a flare up of the conflict between Russia

and Ukraine.

In that sense, the moves and statements of the Greek side should be very careful, on both the bilateral and international level, taking into account that our country is a member of NATO and the EU, with all the accompanying commitments, while maintaining its traditional ties with Russia.

That advantageous position could contribute to an approached based on peace and security and function as a guarantee for the large Greek community in Ukraine.

Greece can and should play a stabilising role in the current crisis, as a Western country with a multi-faceted outlook in its foreign policy.

A military clash in the heart of Europe is inconceivable and the territorial precarity of Ukraine is unjustifiable.

Greece will accrue significant diplomatic capital by following this strategy and peaceful principles.

A steadfast dedication to a multi-faceted foreign policy at this difficult juncture can only benefit our country.

Τυχαία Θέματα