EU/IMF says outlook for Greek bailout program uncertain

16:41 8/7/2013 - Πηγή: BankWars

The outlook for Greece’s bailout program remains uncertain, with differences still to be worked out between the Greek government and its creditors, the European Union and International Monetary Fun said on Monday.

“While important progress continues to be made, policy implementation is behind in some areas,” the so-called “troika” of creditors said in an update on Greece’s bailout program, which will be discussed later by euro zone finance ministers.

“The authorities have committed to take corrective actions to ensure delivery of the fiscal targets for 2013-14 and achieve primary balance this year,” it said, but added:

“The mission and the authorities agreed that the macroeconomic outlook remains broadly in line with program projections, with prospects for a gradual return to growth in 2014. The outlook remains uncertain, however.”

Πηγή: Reuters

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