Natural gas pipeline (TAP) to pass through five Central Macedonian regions

The pipeline is 543 km long, and 224 km of this will pass through the Serres, Kilkis, Thessaloniki, Imathia and Pella regions.

Details about the project emerged after a meeting on Tuesday between the prefect of Central Macedonia Apostolos Tzitzikostas with TAP Consortium SA Stathis Theodoropoulos and technical consultant Kostas Tsirikis at prefecture offices in Thessaloniki.

“It is a huge investment worth 1.5 billion euros which, among other things, will create 2,000 jobs directly and 10,000 jobs indirectly, giving a breath of life to the major problem of unemployment that has hit Central Macedonia,” Tzitzikostas said.

The prefect also said he had been reassured that the project would follow internationally recognised standards of health for residents, for security and for the environment.

Work on TAP is expected to begin in 2015, and the supply of natural gas from Azerbaijan will begin in 2019.

A public consultation on the project has already begun in August and will run until October 2013. At the same time, a complete report on TAP’s environmental and social impact has been filed with the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Ministry.

Source: AMNA
