FM Venizelos stresses the need of competitiveness and extroversion

The primary surplus Greece has achieved is a success internationally acknowledged, but this recognition has been unreasonably delayed, «hurting the Greek economy and harming the European narrative», Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos said at the international conference of the Panhellenic Exporters” Association (PSE) on Wednesday.

Referring to the topic of the conference «extroversion as a strategic choice, vision and reality», Venizelos noted that «extroversion and competitiveness are synonymous.»

Regarding extroversion, Venizelos noted that this is related to the «new production model that will occur through the instinct of entrepreneurship and investment dynamics,» while regarding competitiveness, Venizelos acknowledged that the state is the factor which should provide a «new model of national competitiveness», particularly now that «the memorandum has to be replaced by an endogenous national reconstruction plan.»

Venizelos noted that «when a country does not defines its own competitiveness terms, it loses part of its national sovereignty» and stressed that competitiveness concerns everything-tourism and shipping, research, development, innovation, energy networks and transport.

He underlined that «our aim is to carry out our programme being united and under the right policy direction», and referred to the Greek presidency’s programme, which includes developments on current EU affairs, euroelections, serious international crises, but also Greece’s exit from the crisis.

source: ΑΜΝΑ
