Venizelos on Malaysian Airlines flight crash

Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos made the following statement regarding the crashing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 on Ukrainian territory, near the border with Russia:

“Yesterday’s crashing of the Malaysian Airlines aircraft on Ukrainian territory, under unspecified conditions, and the loss of so many human lives leaves us shocked and deeply saddened. We express

our deep condolences to the families of the passengers and crew, and we await an independent international investigation that leads to the immediate and full clarification of the conditions under which this tragic incident occurred," he said.

"In the shadow of reports that allege that the aircraft was brought down by a ground-to-air missile, we would like to repeat our calls for the finding of a peaceful solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine, for the avoidance of actions that lead to an escalation of the tensions, and for an immediate ceasefire,” Venizelos added.

Source: AMNA

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