SYRIZA leader accepts Tatsopoulos resignation from SYRIZA Parliamentary group

The meeting was reportedly carried out in a “good climate,” sources said, with Tsipras and Tatsopoulos deciding on a ‘velvet divorce’. Tatsopoulos, who intends to keep his seat in Parliament, made his departure from SYRIZA’s Parliamentary group official later on Friday in a letter to Parliament

President Evangelos Meimarakis, announcing his decision to become independent.
Tatsopoulos’ resignation was prompted by strong criticism from within SYRIZA over his statements claiming a more tolerant attitude to terrorism within certain sections of the main opposition party.
ND criticizes SYRIZA for not expelling deputies over terrorism remarks
New Democracy on Friday criticized Tsipras for failing to expel members of his party who referred to the November 17 assassinations as “political acts.”
“Tsipras made a choice today: to align himself with SYRIZA’s ‘component of terrorism’. He announced that he will not expel any of the party comrades that ‘whitewash’ the assassins of terrorism,” ND said in a statement.
“He identifies himself with those who claim that the November 17 terrorist group is an ‘active component of the Left’. With those who express ‘solidarity’ with November 17. With those who claim that the assassins were condemned ‘under special circumstances’ and are fighting ‘in a special way’ for their release,” the statement said.
New Democracy said that Tsipras identifies himself with one of his deputies, Theodoros Dritsas, who claimed Novermber 17 terrorists “are not criminals” and their acts were “political.”
“Tsipras is aware these are not some ‘marginal members,’ as SYRIZA mumbles. They are high-ranking officials, deputies, even members of his Central Committee,” the statement said.

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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