Greece reports 707-mln-euro primary surplus in Jan-May‏

The finance ministry, in a report on the final figures of budget execution, said that the state budget reported a deficit of 1,990 billion euros in the January-May period, from a deficit of 3.843 billion euros last year and from an updated budget target

for a deficit of 2.559 billion euros.

The budget showed a primary surplus of 707 million euros from a primary deficit of 970 million euros in the year-ago period and from a budget target of a primary surplus of 208 million euros.

Net state budget revenues totalled 19.600 billion euros, up 0.2 pct from budget targets, while net regular budget revenues totalled 17.300 billion euros, up 0.3 pct compared with budget targets. Tax revenues amounted to 16.060 billion euros, up 0.9 pct from targets.

State budget spending totalled 21.590 billion euros, down 529 million euros compared with targets. Regular budget spending amounted to 19.810 billion euros, down 641 million euros from budget targets reflecting a decline in primary spending by 459 million euros. Regular budget spending was down 9.4 pct compared to the same period last year.

source: ΑΜΝΑ

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