PASOK’s Campaign for European Elections: Aiming for Unity and Strength

The socialist PASOK party has agreed on its European elections slogan, picking “Together, Strong, Reliable,” to signal a campaign of unity and determination.

The slogan encapsulates the party’s strategy to rally its voter base and appeal to new demographics, officials say.

“Together” reflects PASOK’s call for solidarity among its supporters,

who have shown resilience in past national elections. Despite a slight dip in votes in the June 2023 elections, the party’s percentage increased as a result of high abstentions.

“Strong” indicates PASOK’s intent to build momentum and attract new voters, capitalizing on the party’s historical influence and current political dynamics.

“Reliable” is a direct appeal from party leader Nikos Androulakis, emphasizing PASOK’s commitment to credibility, contrasting with the perceived unreliability of rival parties.

PASOK is closely monitoring polling trends, which have fluctuated from initial gains to a subsequent decline. The party is optimistic, hoping for a polling error in their favor, citing five reasons:

PASOK’s voter base is politically engaged and loyal.High voter consolidation is evident in polls, with potential for further increase.Voter abstention is expected to work in PASOK’s favor, potentially surpassing poll numbers.PASOK is strong among voters over 45 and holds third place among younger voters aged 17-29.The party recalls past discrepancies in polls and remains hopeful for a positive outcome.

Mr. Androulakis’s nationwide tours have garnered optimistic feedback, party officials say. The ultimate goal is a strong showing on June 9th, which could solidify Mr. Androulakis’s leadership and set the stage for future center-left coalitions. A less favorable result could prompt challenges to the party’s direction.

Regardless of the outcome, the second-place finisher, whether Mr. Androulakis or Stefanos Kasselakis of the leftist Syriza party, is expected to extend an invitation for a united front against the New Democracy party.

The terms of this potential alliance and its target audience remain key questions moving forward.

Amidst these strategic moves, Mr. Androulakis has dismissed any potential alliance with Kasselakis, focusing instead on the broader Syriza base, particularly those disenchanted with the party’s new leadership.

The race for second place and the shaping of Greece’s center-left political landscape are at stake in these European elections.

Translated by Anthee Carassava

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PASOK’s Campaign, European Elections, Aiming,Unity, Strength