What's in the Stars today, September 3?

Τime of gradual transition from summer and its pleasures to autumn and its new priorities.

Moon in Leo

With all your heart! With the transiting Moon in Leo, you're inclined to gladly dedicate more of your time to activities that involve children, hobbies and, in general, anything that fills you up with positive energy

or makes your life more beautiful.

Sun in Virgo

Autumn is around the corner! The Sun has been in the mutable sign of Virgo since August 23 and will remain there until September 22, a time of gradual transition from summer and its pleasures to autumn and its new priorities. The weather will change little by little and so will your mood. It's a good time to change your daily schedule, your diet, your outfits and your itinerary.

Moon sextile Venus

High spirits! Just before nine at night the Moon meets Venus and it's the right time to share your feelings, flirt, go out, watch a blockbuster, a concert or some other artistic performance. Have fun.

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius are lucky today followed by Libra, Aquarius, Gemini of the second decan that will draw attention and admiration.

Have a wonderful day and think big even when you do small things so that they head in the right direction.

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