What's in the Stars today, February 2?

The rejuvenating Sun in Aquarius forms a positive aspect with Uranus in Aries which shows unforeseen new beginnings. Your life can change for the better when least expected...

Moon in CancerMoon in Leo

In the limelight! The first day of the week begins with the Moon in Cancer

focusing your interest on issues surrounding women and topics that have to do with the recent past, with history, or the past in general. At 19:08 in the evening, the Moon moves into the glamorous, bright and powerful sign of Leo. You put your heart in love and whatever you do you do it with love, faith and a positive outlook.

Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus at 13º Aries

Dare to surprise and be original! The rejuvenating Sun in Aquarius forms a positive aspect with Uranus in Aries which shows unforeseen new beginnings. Your life can change for the better when least expected. Even if it's only a small sudden event or new beginning, it can both excite you and open new paths in your life. Your professional and love life are favoured, and in particular when it comes to happy events that have to do with the Internet, group projects, friends, the universe, technology and original activities.
The unexpected surprises of the day will be particularly beneficial if you are Aquarius, Libra, Gemini or Aries, Sagittarius of the second decan. Also, if your ascendant or other astrological markers are between 10º and 16º of those signs.

You are favoured today if you are Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn of the third decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a great week full of good moments and lots of joy!

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