What's in the Stars today, August 10?

You can't resist the allure of truth!

Full Moon in Aquarius

An August moon brimming with changes! The calmness of the sea, the bright sun, the liberation from winter chores and the opening to new

things and faces make you see life from a different perspective. This in combination with the fact that the energy of the Aquarius Full Moon favours twists and surprises urges you to think about possible changes you can make regarding your career and your finances, and your love life or your life as a whole.

Moon sextile Uranus at 18:31

You can't resist the allure of truth! The revealing nature of the Moon in Aquarius brings to the fore the things you really want and which attract you like a magnet! The retrograde motion of Uranus reveals whatever has been in your mind for a while and now the time has come for you to explore and to discover how your relationships, your knowledge, your friendships, teams, even technology can help you in this change of course.

Moon – SunSaturn T-square

Is it really what you've been looking for? The Aquarius Full Moon indicates a need for renewal and rejuvenation. There are however many routes to achieve that. What's the best for you? The MoonSunSaturn T-square shows that the obstacles and challenges you come across are there to test whether you want something so much that you're prepared not to give up and at the same time to help you find the right path that will take you there. Don't rash into decisions; instead take into consideration the emotional and practical consequences.

You're lucky today if you are Aquarius, Libra or Gemini of the second decan.

Don't be selfish but think about other people as well if you are Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio of the second decan.

Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, if you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you deal with it. Just stop complaining!

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