Η Ελλάδα πιο διεφθαρμένη, η Γερμανία πιο τίμια στην ΕΕ. Εμ έτσι είναι, στην Π**τανα βγαίνει Τ’ όνομα.

11:29 5/12/2012 - Πηγή: Olympia

Θα σχολιάσει ο αχυράνθρωπος του αρχιερέα; Ο αρχηγός των διεφθαρμένων, κύριος Παπανδρέου;
Greece most corrupt in EU – transparency watchdog
Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index, released Wednesday, showed that the nations hardest-hit by the eurozone crisis (Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece) are
also among the EU’s most corrupt. With 0 as ‘highly corrupt’ and 100 as ‘very clean,’ Greece scored 36, Italy 42, Portugal 63 and Spain 65, the AP reported. Denmark and Finland tied with New Zealand at the top of the list with scores of 90. Germany scored 79, the UK 74 and the US 73. Two-thirds of the 176 countries ranked scored below 50. The watchdog labeled Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan – all of which scored eight – as the most corrupt nations in the world.

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