By George Kofinakos
StormHarbour Representative in Greece
CEO & Executive Director Enolia Premium Capital S.I.F. (SCA)

Is Angela Merkel aiming, through her words and actions, to strangle the weak economies of the Eurozone? If yes, is she doing it to appease the German voters, by demonstrating a tough approach to......
those countries which
are unable to comply with the Eurozone basic Economic Policies?

Inspite of what we hear all around about the irrational behaviour of Mrs Merkel, I believe she is working based on a plan.

Let’s go back about 15 years , when the policies of the Eurozone started being implemented.

The whole concept was built on the basis of a Zone that would share the same monetary policy, in an attempt to stabilize the Economy of the Eurozone by controlling interest rates and the money supply.

This is a role assigned to the ECB. But we all know that the Economy carries another interconn
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