Islamic State kills 200 more members of Albu Nimr

Islamic State's advances have fueled sectarian bombings, kidnappings and shootings which occur almost daily in Iraq, echoing the peak of…

Islamic State has executed 200 more members of the Albu Nimr tribe in Iraq, a tribal leader and security official said on Saturday, 1/11/2014, part of a mass killing campaign launched last week to break local resistance

to the group's territorial advances.

Tribal chief Sheikh Naeem al-Ga'oud told Reuters Islamic State had killed 50 members of Albu Nimr who were fleeing the group in Anbar province on Friday, 31/10/2014.

A further 35 bodies were found in a mass grave, a security official said.

Islamic State has executed a total of more than 300 tribe members in the past few days, Ga'oud and the official said.

The sustained bloodshed appears to demonstrate the group's resilience to the U.S. air strikes that have been targeting its fighters in Iraq and Syria.

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