Cyprus: Political will is needed to restart negotiations

Political will is needed by both the Greek-Cypriot and the Turkish-Cypriot side to restart peace negotiations on the Cyprus issue,…

Eide said he believed Nicos Anastasiades and Dervis Eroglu are committed to finding a solution for the island.

The UN envoy said the discovery of hydrocarbons

is a "huge opportunity" and that it could be beneficial for both communities if there’s a mutually acceptable solution. He also noted that it would act as a catalyst in attracting investment in the region.

Eide said returning to the negotiations table would be the first step towards peace and urged both sides to show good will. Asked to comment on the presence of the Turkish ship Barbaros off the coast of Cyprus, he said he sees it as a factor that could influence the talks.
He also said negotiations have reached a dangerous point, adding that at a time when there’s so much turbulence in the region, the lack of progress on the Cyprus issue worsens the situation.

Speaking in turn, Venizelos said he discussed with Eide about the Turkish provocations in the Aegean Sea, adding Greece supports restarting negotiations "within the framework of what was agreed upon in February 2014."

"That is what we want. But in order for that to happen, there cannot be affronts or distractions. There are ways to return to the talks. What are needed, however, are initiatives that first must be taken by those who are responsible for the crisis that has been created."

The minister also noted that Greece wants "to ensure stability and peace" and find "a solution to the Cyprus issue that is just, viable and in accordance with the resolutions of the Security Council, the European acquis."

Asked whether the departure of the Barbaros from the Cypriot exclusive economic zone (EEZ) remains a condition for starting the talks again, Venizelos said: "The presence of the Barbaros and its activities constitute and affront to international law. We are talking here about a process of the United Nations, which is the institution preeminently serving international law."

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