Κύματα αμμόλοφων «πλημμυρίζουν» τον ΟΗΕ

08:01 5/2/2020 - Πηγή: In.gr

Η καινούρια επικάλυψη της αίθουσας συνεδριάσεων στην ευρωπαϊκή έδρα του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών στη Γενεύη «επανερμηνεύει τη διπλωματία, παράδοση, καλλιγραφία και τοπίο του Κατάρ, με σύγχρονα υλικά».

Αυτό υπογράμμισε το ιταλικό σχεδιαστικό στούντιο WOOD-SKIN, το οποίο δέχθηκε παραγγελία από την χώρα του Κόλπου να επανασχεδιάσει την αίθουσα XIX και την υλοποίησε.

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Peia Associati’s architectural design interprets the assembly space

in all its physical and institutional complexity. WOOD-SKIN, thanks to its innovative technology that provides the solution to the most complex design challenges, complements the architecture both functionally and aesthetically. For the furnishings, finishes, and lighting, WOOD-SKIN worked alongside with Matteo Grassi, @flos, @casalgrandepadana and @wallpepper_milan. Other European and international partners include Taiden/Media-Vision, @wilkhahn, and @krion_porcelanosa_grupo Architecture and Design: @peia_associati 3D surfaces: WOOD-SKIN team Foto credits: @delfino_s Video credits: @mammafotogramma

A post shared by WOOD-SKIN® – 3D Surfaces (@wood.skin) on Jan 31, 2020 at 8:57am PST

Τα γεωμετρικά πάνελ από ζεστό και ελαφρύ ξύλο που σχεδίασε το WOOD-SKIN και τα οποία καλύπτουν συνολικά επιφάνεια περισσότερων των 1.000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων δίνουν μια δυναμική προοπτική στη συμμετρική κυκλική αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων.

Η οροφή με τα τριγωνικά πάνελ θυμίζει την κίνηση των αμμόλοφων και αντικατοπτρίζει τον αέναο κύκλο ανατολής και δύσης μέσω λύσεων που δόθηκαν με χρήση φωτισμού FLOS.

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THE CEILING AND WALLS OF ROOM XIX, UNITED NATIONS PALACE IN GENEVA WOOD-SKIN covers the dome and walls of the new Assembly Hall of the United Nation Palace in Geneva. A flowing expanse of wooden ‘dunes’ clads the circular hall, featuring the patented process that allows the digital design of flexible three-dimensional coverings. • WOOD-SKIN is the design and technical partner for the renovation of the Room XIX in @ungeneva commissioned to the architectural firm @peia_associati through a generous donation from the State of Qatar. The project reinterprets the diplomacy, tradition, calligraphy and the landscape of Qatar through contemporary materials, technologies and design languages. • The realization of this room embodies the best of Italian design and know-how. Peia Associati, a world-class architectural firm, has chosen the AI Group as its engineering support and CCM as its general contractor. • For the furnishings, finishes, and lighting, WOOD-SKIN worked alongside with Matteo Grassi, @flos, @casalgrandepadana and @wallpepper_milan. Other European and international partners include Taiden/Media-Vision, @wilkhahn, and @krion_porcelanosa_grupo • Architecture and Design: @peia_associati 3D surfaces: WOOD-SKIN team Foto credits: @delfino_sl • #peiaassociati #meshsheets #woodskin #un #geneva #ungeneva #roomxix #conferenceroomdesign #conference #innovationday #technologynews #designtechnology #institutionaldesign #3dsurface #3dceiling #3dwood #qatar #qatarfoundation #swissarchitecture

A post shared by WOOD-SKIN® – 3D Surfaces (@wood.skin) on Jan 24, 2020 at 12:33am PST

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An important feature of the space is its high-performance acoustics: the parametric modelling software allowed us to simulate the behavior of the surface and its deformation until achieving the volumes dictated by the technical/acoustic requirements of the space. • The wall and ceiling panels, in addition to having characteristics of sound diffusion, are engineered to manage high and low sound frequencies. The complex geometries generate an irregular surface that promotes sound diffusion, thereby reducing echo. The textile core of the cladding, on the other hand, make the panels behave more like fabric than wood, capable of absorbing even the lower range of frequencies. • The use of a sculptural language breaks the symmetry of the circular conference room, giving the space a new dynamism, but also new metaphorical resonance. The ceiling recalls the incessant movement of sand dunes, and the lighting system reflects the circadian rhythm of sunrise and sunset. The wooden wave panels on the walls change rhythm according to the acoustic optimization of the circular space, but they also symbolically represent the mission of the UN to promote and facilitate peace and diplomacy. • For the furnishings, finishes, and lighting, WOOD-SKIN worked alongside with Matteo Grassi, @flos, @casalgrandepadana and @wallpepper_milan. Other European and international partners include Taiden/Media-Vision, @wilkhahn, and @krion_porcelanosa_grupo • Architecture and Design: @peia_associati 3D surfaces: WOOD-SKIN team Foto credits: @delfino_sl • #peiaassociati #meshsheets #woodskin #un #geneva #ungeneva #roomxix #conferenceroomdesign #conference #innovationday #technologynews #designtechnology #institutionaldesign #3dsurface #3dceiling #3dwood #qatar #qatarfoundation #swissarchitecture #yougarchitectsplatform #the_yap @youngarchitectsplatform

A post shared by WOOD-SKIN® – 3D Surfaces (@wood.skin) on Jan 29, 2020 at 8:54am PST

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THE CEILING OF ROOM XIX OF THE UNITED NATIONS PALACE IN GENEVA The hall, with a capacity of 800 and an area of 4,000 square meters, is the most technologically advanced of the UN, a model for future projects. The restyling of the ceiling was done with Mesh Sheets, the most iconic product of the WOOD-SKIN family, which allows total freedom of form and ever changing aesthetics. The result is an architectural macro-membrane of about 1,000 square meters in okumè, warm and very lightweight wood with a flamed grain, perfect for anchoring to the pre-existing historical structure. • The WOOD-SKIN system also made it possible to integrate the circadian lighting by FLOS in a seamless way, along with the complex engineering required by a conference hall of the future. Air conditioning, video projectors, robotic cameras, and sensors were carefully positioned in the design phase and then easily installed, creating an organic system that takes advantage of the features of WOOD-SKIN as a platform for technological integration. • Peia Associati’s architectural design interprets the assembly space in all its physical and institutional complexity. WOOD-SKIN, thanks to its innovative technology that provides the solution to the most complex design challenges, complements the architecture both functionally and aesthetically. • For the furnishings, finishes, and lighting, WOOD-SKIN worked alongside with Matteo Grassi, @flos, @casalgrandepadana and @wallpepper_milan. Other European and international partners include Taiden/Media-Vision, @wilkhahn, and @krion_porcelanosa_grupo • Architecture and Design: @peia_associati 3D surfaces: WOOD-SKIN team Foto credits: @delfino_sl • #peiaassociati #meshsheets #woodskin #un #geneva #ungeneva #roomxix #conferenceroomdesign #conference #innovationday #technologynews #designtechnology #institutionaldesign #3dsurface #3dceiling #3dwood #qatar #qatarfoundation #swissarchitecture

A post shared by WOOD-SKIN® – 3D Surfaces (@wood.skin) on Jan 27, 2020 at 8:54am PST

Τα τετραγωνικά πάνελ των τοίχων απορροφούν μεγάλο εύρος συχνοτήτων και από το WOOD-SKIN τόνισαν ότι «οι περίπλοκες γεωμετρίες δίνουν μια ακανόνιστη επιφάνεια που ευνοεί τη διάχυση του ήχου, ελαχιστοποιώντας κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο την ηχώ».

Δουλεύοντας μαζί με το ιταλικό αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο PEIA Associati και την ιταλική εταιρεία FLOS, το WOOD-SKIN κατάφερε να απαντήσει σε όλες τις απαιτήσεις της αίθουσας συνεδριάσεων.

Ο θόλος, ο οποίος σκεπάζει 4.000 τετραγωνικά μέτρα και 800 θέσεις, ενσωματώνει απόλυτα όλα τα απαραίτητα για τους αεραγωγούς, τους βιντεοπροτζέκτορες, τις ρομποτικές κάμερες και τους αισθητήρες.

Τυχαία Θέματα