Editorial Ta Nea: Errors

16:24 29/5/2019 - Πηγή: In.gr

The presence of the Chief of Greek Police at the main political rally of the ruling party appears to be a case of misconduct.

He said that his attendance had nothing to do with party preferences but rather was motivated by his desire to personally oversee security


However, the Police Chief has also been spotted and photographed at political gatherings in the provincial cities of Agrinio and Xanthi. Was he overseeing security as he sat in the first row there as well?

The Chief of Police has committed two errors. The one is the glaring violation of Article 29 (par. 3) of the Greek Constitution: “All types of activity for or against a political party are absolutely prohibited for judicial functionaries and all serving in the armed forces and security forces [police].”

Secondly, he offered a justification that can easily be disproved. As the state’s executive arm for the protection of legality the Chief of Police has several reasons to abide by the law. It is his duty to society and to his younger colleagues, for whom he must serve as a model of exemplary behaviour.

If he did not do his duty, his political supervisors must do theirs, regardless of the fact that they may have the same party preference and that they appointed him to his post.

If it is confirmed that the Chief of Police indeed violated the law he must suffer the consequences.

Until the law changes, he must express his party preferences exclusively at the ballot box.

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