Switch - update 5.0

Ώρα για ένα ακόμα σημαντικό system update του Switch. Όπως ανακοίνωσε η Nintendo, το update 5.0.0 του Switch είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο. Δείτε τις βελτιώσεις/προσθήκες παρακάτω και πείτε μας εντυπώσεις!


and Twitter friends that also use Nintendo Switch can now be added through Friend Suggestions

• Using the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, add specific software titles to your whitelist to exclude them from the console's Parental Controls Restricted Software setting

• Captured videos in the Album will be restricted by Parental Controls depending on the Restricted Software setting and Software Rating Organization

• To keep the Parental Controls PIN private, the default method for PIN entry has been changed to entering using the Control Stick and buttons instead of the on-screen number pad

• Select from 24 new ARMS and the Kirby series icons for your user

• Digital software purchases made from a PC or smart device will start downloading sooner than previously, even if the Nintendo Switch console is in Sleep Mode

• Receive notification when pre-purchased software is ready to play

• Filter News to view only unread news or news from specific channels

Nintendo Switch Pro Controller grip colors will now display in the Controllers menu

Game20.gr, το Άσυλο των gamers

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