Merkel: Greece's first steps toward success are now visible

15:46 23/9/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a joint press conference with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras on Tuesday, expressed her content with the progress achieved in Greece's recovery programme.

"We see very positive progress in Greece and we are confident that the next steps will be
soon completed. We are certain that Greece's economy will soon recover," Merkel underlined and added: "Especially for people in Greece, I know how difficult the times are; the first signs of success are now visible and we will do our best to further support the country."

Markets trust the Greek economy, Samaras noted on his part. "Greece has managed to exit recession after six years, in the third quarter of 2014," he said, adding that Greece has achieved a series of difficult targets earlier than expected. He referred to the primary surplus and the exit to the markets, as well as the good performance of Greek bonds. He also noted that Greece is becoming a factor for energy security.

"Debt surveillance is given. Greece will soon propose its own reforms framework for the following years, after the memorandum," Samaras stated
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