What's in the Stars today, February 4?

There is only one success in life: to be able to live it as you like and the way that suits you!

Full Moon in Leo

There is only one success in life: to be able to live it as you like and the way that

suits you!

It's your life! Live it the way it suits you! Your life seems to vibrate according to the rhythm of today's Full Moon on the Leo – Aquarius axis. Events related to children, love, the entertainment industry, your leisure time, your good time and all things creative figure prominently. New interests, the support or the company of friends, activities that have to do with technology and novel or different things in the above areas will help you feel that your life is sunnier and happier.

Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius in applying sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius

Your thoughts are focused on bringing joy to your life! The presence of Saturn in Sagittarius shows the need to think seriously about your happiness, your education, issues related to justice, long journeys and your approach to life. On top of that, retrograde Mercury in moderniser Aquarius forms an aspect with tenacious Saturn. Now it's the time to have some preparatory contacts and discussions, and to do some research regarding the above areas, so when Mercury turns direct from the 11th February onwards, you can announce your ideas or have final contacts that will contribute to them.
You are particularly influenced by the positive MercurySaturn aspect if you are Aquarius, Libra, Gemini or Aries, Leo of the first decan. Also, if your ascendant or other astrological markers are between 0º and 6º of those signs.

You are favoured today if you are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries and Libra, Aquarius, Gemini of the second and third decans.

Astrology.gr wishes you a glamorous day full of happy news and brilliant and creative activities!

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