20:17 30/1/2012 - Πηγή: Olympia

κατά τήν γνώμη μου πρέπει νά γνωρίζουμε ὅσα περισσότερα εἶναι δυνατόν διά τόν ἐχθρό μας ὧστε νά ἑτοιμάζουμε τίς κινήσεις μας ἀναλόγως. Μέ αὐτήν τήν ἰδέα κατά νοῦ σᾶς ἐπισυνάπτω ἕνα ἐνδιαφέρον ἄρθρο πού ἀν καί στά Ἀγγλικά δέν θά προβληματίση τούς ἀναγνῶστες. Πιστεύω ὅτι πρέπει νά τό γνωρίζουν οἱ συμπατριῶτες μας ὦστε νά συνειδητοποιήσουν μέ τί ἀνθρώπους (; ) εχουν νά κάνουν. Ἀν ἐπιθυμεῖτε λοιπόν δημοσιεύστε το.
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Κ.Σ.Κ.REVEALED: Angela Merkel – Rigid serial conformist…..…and ruthless career technocrat


Merkel is often depicted by the Western media as a boring, mousey and indecisive physicist obsessed by rules and the Euro ideal. In fact, she is none of these things. Her unusual and at times murky past suggests that she is driven by the ideal of technocratic power, has no firm belief in anything, and is ruthlessly disloyal when it suits her. Her role in the former East Germany has been cleaned up by those around her. But today, The Slog puts some flesh on the real character behind the Chancellor’s image.

Angela Dorothea Merkel sits in the Berlin Chancellery today, the mistress of Europe. An extraordinary combination of bizarre events and her own driven will have put her there. But we really do not know enough about this woman to whom, it seems, the citizens of 27 countries have handed the leadership of Europe without a single vote being cast. The fact is, she has been underestimated by every male boss she has had during her remorseless rise to power….and each one has paid for that with his career. There is far, far more to Frau Doktor Merkel than most people realise.

Angela Merkel’s father Horst Kasner died last September aged 85. Some secrets surrounding this enigmatic man have died with him, but quite a few things are a matter of public record. Born in 1926, he served on the Russian front during World Ward II and, at the age of 19 in 1943, was taken prisoner.

How long he remained in Russian hands – and when he got back to Germany – is not recorded. But somewhere along the way, he became a clergyman, and married a Polish woman, Herlind Jentzsch,  in 1952. She gave birth to Angela in 1954, and then three weeks later Kasner did what almost no other German had ever done: he moved from West Germany to the DDR. By choice, he became an Osti.

Sources protective of Angela Merkel claim that her father was merely posted there by the Lutheran clergy, but others deny this. He was known at the time as ‘Red Kasner’, and given a privileged position in East Germany. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Merkel Senior openly criticised West Germany. In 1989, he opposed reunification. The family had a smart apartment and access to two cars. Almost uniquely, Horst Kasner was allowed by the Party to travel to the West, so loyal was he felt to be.

All of this did young Angela no harm at all. Despite widespread harassment of the Christian Church in the DDR, she was educated – and pushed forward – like

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