Επίσημο: Mini Cooper 5-θυρο

03:04 5/6/2014 - Πηγή: AutoBlog

Η Mini για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της, παρουσίασε την πεντάθυρη έκδοση του κλασικού hatchback μοντέλου της, με το ντεμπούτο του να αναμένεται το φθινόπωρο.

Το είχαμε δει στις αρχές του Δεκέμβρη σε φωτογραφίες μέσα από το εργοστάσιο της ΜΙΝΙ στην Οξφόρδη της Αγγλίας, ενώ αργότερα και στο δρόμο ακαμουφλάριστο. Σχεδιαστικά, η βρετανική εταιρία προσπάθησε να κάνει το σύνολο να μην χάσει πολύ από τον χαρακτήρα του τρίθυρου μοντέλου, κάτι που δεν θα έλεγα ότι είναι ιδιαίτερα


Βασίζεται στο νέο Cooper που κυκλοφόρησε πριν κάποιους μήνες και διαθέτει μικρότερες μπροστά πόρτες ώστε να χωρέσουν στο μεταξόνιο του μήκους 2567 mm, το οποίο είναι αυξημένο κατά 72 χλστ. σε σχέση με την τρίπορτη έκδοση, οι επιπλέον δύο πίσω -μικρές- πόρτες.

Στη πίσω κολόνα υπάρχει ένα μικρό παράθυρο, ενώ το συνολικό του μήκος έχει αυξηθεί 161 χλστ., φτάνοντας πλέον τα 3.982 χλστ. για την απλή έκδοση και 4.004 για την Cooper S και SD. Κλείνοντας με τις εξωτερικές διαστάσεις είναι κατά 11 χλστ ψηλότερο σε σχέση με το 3-πορτο μοντέλο.

Όπως είναι φυσικό οι αυξημένες διαστάσεις έγιναν προς όφελος της πρακτικότητας και της άνεσης. Έτσι, πλέον, η καμπίνα είναι πιο ευρύχωρη και ο διαθέσιμος “αέρας” για τα κεφάλια είναι αυξημένος κατά 15 χλστ. και 61 χλστ. πιο πλατύ στο ύψος των ώμων, παρόλο που το εξωτερικό πλάτος έχει μείνει απαράλλαχτο. Οι μεγαλύτεροι κερδισμένοι είναι οι επιβάτες των πίσω θέσεων καθώς ο χώρος για να βολέψουν τα γόνατα τους αυξήθηκε κατά 72 χλστ., ενώ τέλος και ο χώρος αποσκευών μεγάλωσε κατά 30%, ήτοι 67 λίτρα και πλέον συνολικά χωράει 278 λίτρα, ή 941 λίτρα όταν αναδιπλωθούν οι πλάτες των πίσω καθισμάτων.

Έχει κατασκευαστεί και αυτό πάνω στην UKL πλατφόρμα και δανείζεται μερικά σχεδιαστικά στοιχεία από το Rocketman Concept. Αρχικά θα είναι διαθέσιμο με τρεις turbo Euro 6 κινητήρες (TwinPower και όχι twin-turbo) οι οποίοι όλοι συνδυάζονται με σύστημα Start/Stop. Οι βενζινοκινητήρες εφοδιάζονται με σύστημα άμεσου ψεκασμού καυσίμου και διπλό VANOS. Να σημειωθεί επίσης πως αυτοί είναι οι πρώτοι κινητήρες που τοποθετούνται σε Mini προερχόμενοι από την μητρική BMW.

Entry-level κινητήρας είναι ο τρικύλινδρος 1.500αρης TwinPower Turbo βενζίνης απόδοσης 136 ίππων στις 4.500 – 6.000 σ.α.λ με 220 Nm ροπής μεταξύ 1.250 – 4.000 σ.α.λ. Υπάρχει και λειτουργία overboost που αυξάνει για μερικά δευτερόλεπτα την ροπή στα 230Nm. Με τον κινητήρα αυτό, το MINI έχει μέση κατανάλωση 4,7 – 4,8 λίτρα/100 χλμ (4,8 – 4,9 λίτρα/100 χλμ με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο) και 105 – 107 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2 (109 – 112 γρ/χλμ με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο). Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 8,2 δευτερόλεπτα (8,1 δευτ. με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο), με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 207 χλμ/ώρα ανεξαρτήτως κιβωτίου.

Ακολουθεί ο 1.500αρης τρικύλινδρος turbodiesel απόδοσης 116 ίππων στις 4.000 σ.α.λ με 270 Nm ροπής στις 1.750 σ.α.λ στην έκδοση Cooper D. Έχει μέση κατανάλωση 3,6–3,7 λίτρα (3,8–3,9 λίτρα)/100 χλμ και 95–97 γρ/χλμ (90-102 γρ/χλμ) εκπομπές CO2. Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 9,4 δευτερόλεπτα (9,5 δευτ. με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο), με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 203 χλμ/ώρα (202 χλμ/ώρα με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο).

Στην έκδοση Cooper S διαθέσιμος είναι ο τετρακύλινδρος, δίλιτρος κινητήρας με απόδοση 192 αλόγων στις 4.700 – 6.000 σ.α.λ και 280Nm -300Nm με overboost- μεταξύ 1.250 – 4.750 σ.α.λ, που καταναλώνει 5,9–6,0 λίτρα (5,4–5,5 λίτρα με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο)/100 χλμ, με 136–139 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2 (125–128 γρ/χλμ με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο). Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 6,9 δευτερόλεπτα (6,8 δευτ. με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο), με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 232 χλμ/ώρα (230 χλμ/ώρα με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο).

Ενώ τέλος, στην έκδοση Cooper SD κάτω από το καπό υπάρχει ο δίλιτρος κινητήρας με απόδοση 170 αλόγων στις 4.000 και 360Nm μεταξύ 1.500 και 2.750 σ.α.λ, που καταναλώνει 4,1 – 4,3 λίτρα (4,1 – 4,2 λίτρα με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο)/100 χλμ, με 109 – 112 γρ/χλμ εκπομπές CO2 (107 – 109 γρ/χλμ με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο). Τα 0-100 χλμ/ώρα τα κάνει σε 7,4 δευτερόλεπτα (7,3 δευτ. με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο), με την τελική ταχύτητα να αγγίζει τα 225 χλμ/ώρα (223 χλμ/ώρα με το αυτόματο κιβώτιο).

Οι προαναφερθέντες κινητήρες συνδυάζονται με κιβώτια χειροκίνητα και αυτόματα ταχυτήτων έξι σχέσεων αγνοώντας την τάση των διαρκώς αυξανόμενων σχέσεων για χάρη της αποδοτικότητας. Τα Mini Cooper που θα διαθέτουν αυτόματο κιβώτιο και πλοηγό, θα έχουν μία νέα τεχνολογία από την BMW που θα μπορεί να «αναμένει» και να «προβλέπει» κατεβάσματα ταχυτήτων, όπως πχ όταν πλησιάζει το όχημα διασταύρωση ή απότομη στροφή. Εκτός αυτού, τα χειροκίνητα κιβώτια για θα διαθέτουν σύστημα που θα ταιριάζει την ταχύτητα του κινητήρα στις αλλαγές ταχυτήτων.

Αφήνοντας το powertrain στην άκρη, το νέο Mini Cooper διαθέτει και ένα εντελώς σύγχρονο chassis. Η UKL1 πλατφόρμα επωφελείται από τεχνολογίες που μοιράζεται με την i σειρά της BMW ενώ από πλευράς αναρτήσεων, μπροστά βρίσκουμε το δοκιμασμένο single-link spring strut axle και πίσω την εξελιγμένη εκδοχή της διάταξης πολλαπλών συνδέσμων. Ενδιαφέρον έχει το γεγονός πως για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της Mini προσφέρεται ηλεκτρονικά ρυθμιζόμενη ανάρτηση Variable Damper Control με διακόπτη στο εσωτερικό για να επιλέγεται ένα από τα δύο mode λειτουργίας (Comfort και Sport). Το σύστημα διεύθυνσης δεν θα είναι άλλο από την επόμενη γενιά του EPS (Electronic Power Steering).

Στο βασικό εξοπλισμό υπάρχει και ενεργό καπό που προστατεύει τους πεζούς σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος, ζάντες 15″ (16″ στο Cooper S), ενώ στον πρόσθετο εξοπλισμό συναντάμε και ζάντες έως 18″.

Άξιο αναφοράς είναι το γεγονός η MINI αναφέρεται συχνά στο βάρος/μείωση βάρους/ελαφριά υλικά κλπ καθώς και στη sport οδική συμπεριφορά με go-kart αίσθηση χωρίς να θυσιάζεται η άνεση. Από το τιμόνι, τα φρένα, την ανάρτηση και την απόκριση του κινητήρα, όλα έχουν να κάνουν με την αίσθηση που θα δίνει το Mini Cooper στον δρόμο.

Διαθέτει LED φωτιστικά σώματα μπροστά-πίσω και στο εσωτερικό συναντάμε ένα νέο head-up display που προβάλει πληροφορίες σε μία μικρή αναδιπλούμενη οθόνη στο ταμπλό. Μπορεί να δείχνει την ταχύτητα του οχήματος, πληροφορίες του συστήματος πλοήγησης ή ψυχαγωγίας και διάφορες ειδοποιήσεις.

Στο μέτωπο της ασφάλειας, υπάρχει σύστημα προειδοποίησης σύγκρουσης αλλά και αντίστοιχο σύστημα για πεζούς ενώ και τα δύο έχουν “city braking” λειτουργία. Αν το σύστημα κρίνει πως επίκειται σύγκρουση, προειδοποιεί τον οδηγό μέσω ακουστικών και οπτικών ερεθισμάτων. Αν ο οδηγός δεν αντιδράσει, το σύστημα τότε φρενάρει αυτόματα το όχημα έτσι ώστε να αποφευχθεί η σύγκρουση ή τουλάχιστον να μειωθεί η ταχύτητα με την οποία θα συμβεί το αναπόφευκτο.

Το αυτοκίνητο έχει αεροδυναμικό συντελεστή 0,28 Cd (0,31 Cd στην έκδοση Cooper S) επίσης προσφέρεται και με ένα σύστημα που ενεργοποιεί και απενεργοποιεί τη μεγάλη σκάλα των φώτων ανάλογα με την κίνηση και τον γενικό φωτισμό. Άλλα συστήματα περιλαμβάνουν ένα ενεργό cruise control που χρησιμοποιεί κάμερα, πίσω κάμερα και parking assist, σύστημα που απομνημονεύει τα σήματα στον δρόμο και προβάλει πληροφορίες σχετικές με το όριο ταχύτητας και το αν επιτρέπεται ή όχι το προσπέρασμα.

Η ηλεκτρομηχανική κρεμαργιέρα διαθέτει Servotronic, ενώ συναντάμε και τα συστήματα Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) και Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC). Το MINI Cooper S έρχεται με το Performance Control, σκληρότερα ελατήρια, μεγαλύτερα φρένα και ζάντες 16″ (18″ στον πρόσθετο εξοπλισμό).

Το κοντέρ στο κέντρο του ταμπλό έχει αφαιρεθεί, αφού εκεί έχει τοποθετηθεί το σύστημα ενημέρωσης και ψυχαγωγίας με οθόνη 4″ ή 8,8″, το οποίο διαθέτει ένα φωτιζόμενο πλαίσιο, που αναβοσβήνει όταν χτυπά το τηλέφωνο του οδηγού. Η κεντρική οθόνη 8,8″ ελέγχεται μέσω δύο διακοπτών παρόμοιας φιλοσοφίας με το iDrive της BMW, με τα πίσω καθίσματα να αναδιπλώνονται με ποσοστό 60:40.

Δελτίο Τύπου

The new MINI 5 door.Profile.

Second body variant of the new third generation MINI; consistent expansion of the model program with the addition of the MINI 5 door creates new opportunities for the brand’s signature driving fun; first time the British premium brand is represented with a 5 door model in the small car segment.

Wheelbase expanded by 72 millimetres (to 2,567 millimetres) over the new MINI; creates space for three seats in the rear, with 72 millimetres more foot space and legroom, 15 millimetres more headroom and 61 millimetres more interior width at elbow height; luggage compartment space boosted to 278 litres, 67 litres more than in the 3 door model; excellent figures for the small car premium segment; rear backrest with 60:40 split; optional storage package including luggage compartment floor which can be locked into place at varying points.

New MINI 5 door demonstrates superior driving fun, efficiency, ride comfort, safety and connectivity; new generation of engines; model- specific suspension settings; premium features including innovative driver assistance systems; latest MINI Connected services.

At 3,982 millimetres (MINI Cooper S 5 door and MINI Cooper SD 5 door are 4 005 millimetres), overall length extended by 161 millimetres compared with new MINI; equal vehicle width of 1,727 millimetres, height increased by 11 millimetres to1,425 millimetres; characteristic brand styling with design features such as hexagonal radiator grille, headlamps and rear lights with wide chrome surround, side turn indicator element and black body bordering from the new MINI; additional exterior paint finishes: roof and exterior mirror caps in contrasting colour on request.

Market launch of the new MINI 5 door with four model variants (combined fuel consumption: 5.9 – 3.6 l/100 km, combined CO2 emissions: 136 – 95 g/km); two petrol and two diesel engines of the new generation available with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology; MINI Cooper 5 door with 100 kW/136 hp 3-cylinder petrol engine, MINI Cooper S 5 door with 141 kW/192 hp 4-cylinder petrol engine, MINI Cooper D 5 door with 3-cylinder diesel engine (85 kW/116 hp) and MINI Cooper SD 5 door featuring new 4-cylinder diesel engine presented for the first time with an output of 125 kW/170 hp; 6- speed manual transmission as standard, 6-speed Steptronic transmission or Steptronic sports transmission as an optional extra; extensive MINIMALISM technology including auto start/stop function and optional GREEN mode.• Typical MINI go-kart feeling thanks to model-specific set-up of suspension technology, with single-joint spring strut front axle and multilink rear axle; maximum agility due to weight-optimised construction with a high degree of stiffness; electromechanical power steering with Servotronic function as standard; Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) as standard including Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC) in the MINI Cooper S 5 door and MINI Cooper SD 5 door also with Performance Control; model-specific spring and damper set-up; Dynamic DamperMINIPress folder06/2014 page 3Control optionally available; standard trim includes light alloy wheels in 15-inch format (MINI Cooper 5 door, MINI Cooper D 5 door) or 16- inch format (MINI Cooper S 5 door, MINI Cooper SD 5 door); light alloy wheels optionally available up to 18 inches.

Variable car set-up using optional MINI Driving Modes with rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever; standard setting MID mode, then SPORT and GREEN modes; GREEN mode in conjunction with Steptronic transmission includes coasting with decoupled drivetrain.Weight-optimised and crash-optimised body structure; standard safety fittings include front and side airbags, side curtain airbags, 3- point automatic belts on all seats, at front with belt tensioners and belt force limiters, twin ISOFIX children’s seat attachments at rear and optionally also on the front passenger seat, tyre pressure control and partially active engine compartment lid for optimised pedestrian protection; optimised vehicle weight; excellent acoustic and vibrational comfort; favourable aerodynamic properties.New display and operating concept: instrument cluster on the steering column showing road speed and engine speed, colour display for vehicle status details and fuel level; central instrument with new display elements and coloured lighting configuration including LED ring for visual feedback in response to numerous functions, 4-line TFT display as standard or optional colour display up to 8.8 inches in size; operation of navigation, entertainment, telephone and vehicle functions using MINI Controller in centre console with the relevant feedback provided on the on-board computer; start/stop button at the centre of the toggle switch bar on the centre console can be activated without key insertion; power window lifts in the door trim panels; operating panel for lights in the dashboard.

Wide range of innovative driver assistance systems: MINI Head-Up- Display, Parking Assistant, rear view camera and Driving Assistant including camera-based active cruise control, collision and pedestrian warning with initial brake function, high beam assistant and road sign detection.Unique MINI Connected in-car infotainment program; Emergency Call and MINI Teleservices available for use with permanently installed SIM card; wide range of functions and the opportunity for ongoing expansion due to apps that allow integration in the car via smartphone; exclusive MINI functions such as Mission Control, Dynamic Music, Driving Excitement and MINIMALISM Analyser; MINI Connected XL Journey Mate with Real Time Traffic Information; online connection also allows the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, foursquare and Glympse, the reception of RSS news feeds and entertainment features such as AUPEO!, Stitcher, Deezer, Audible, Napster/Rhapsody and TuneIn.Extensive range of standard features and high-end options to enhance comfort, safety, premium characteristics and individual style such as LED headlamps including LED daytime driving light and LED rear lights, adaptive light distribution and LED turning light, LED fog lamp, lighting package with LED interior and orange-coloured ambient lighting, rain sensor with automatic driving light control, heatable windscreen, Park Distance Control, Comfort Access, electrically operated glass roof, roof rails, electrically heated and folding exterior mirrors, automatic anti-dazzle interior and exterior mirrors, heated seats, 2-zone automatic air conditioning; broad selection of roof and exterior mirror decorative styles, bonnet stripes, seat upholstery types and Colour Lines as well as MINI Yours offers; MINI navigations system, Professional navigation system, MINI Radio Visual Boost, Harman/Kardon hi-fi speaker system, DAB tuner, DVD changer.

Engine variants:MINI Cooper S 5 door: 4-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control),capacity: 1,998 cc, output: 141 kW/192 hp at 4,700 – 6,000 rpm, max. torque: 280 Nm at 1,250 – 4,750 rpm (300 Nm with overboost), acceleration (0–100 km/h): 6.9 seconds (automatic: 6.8 seconds), top speed: 232 km/h (230 km/h), average fuel consumption*: 5.9 –6.0 litres (5.4 – 5.5 litres)/100 kilometres,CO2 emissions*: 136 – 139 g/km (125 – 128 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.MINI Cooper 5 door: 3-cylinder petrol engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbo charging, direct injection, fully variable valve control, variable camshaft control),capacity: 1,499 cc, output: 100 kW/136 hp at 4,500 – 6,000 rpm, max. torque: 220 Nm at 1,250 – 4,000 rpm (230 Nm with overboost), acceleration (0–100 km/h): 8.2 seconds (automatic: 8.1 seconds), top speed: 207 km/h (207 km/h), average fuel consumption*: 4.7 –4.8 litres (4.8 – 4.9 litres)/100 kilometres,CO2 emissions*: 109 – 111 g/km (111 – 114 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.MINI Cooper SD 5 door: 4-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection), capacity: 1,995 cc, output: 125 kW/170 hp at 4,000 rpm, max. torque: 360 Nm at 1,500 – 2,750 rpm, acceleration (0–100 km/h): 7.4 seconds (automatic: 7.3 seconds), top speed: 225 km/h (223 km/h), average fuel consumption*: 4.1 – 4.3 litres (4.1 – 4.2 litres)/100 kilometres, CO2 emissions*: 109 – 112 g/km (107 – 109 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.MINI Cooper D 5 door: 3-cylinder diesel engine with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology (turbocharger with variable turbine geometry, common rail direct injection), capacity: 1,496 cc, output: 85 kW/116 hp at 4,000 rpm, max. torque: 270 Nm at 1,750 rpm, acceleration (0–100 km/h): 9.4 seconds (automatic: 9.5 seconds), top speed: 203 km/h (202 km/h), average fuel consumption*: 3.6 – 3.7 litres (3.8 – 3.9 litres)/100 kilometres, CO2 emissions*: 95 – 97 g/km (99 – 102 g/km), exhaust emission standard: EU6.* Fuel consumption depends on the selected tyre format.Exterior dimensions:Length: 3 982 millimetres (MINI Cooper S 5 door, MINI Cooper SD 5 door: 4 005 millimetres)Width: 1 727 millimetresHeight: 1 425 millimetres)Wheelbase: 2 567 millimetresFor further details on official fuel consumption figures, official specific CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars,please refer to the “Manual on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars”, available at all sales outlets, from Deutschen Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at http://www.dat.de/angebote/verlagsprodukte/leitfaden- kraftstoffverbrauch.html.

More MINI, more possibilities: the new MINI 5 door.Just a few months after the market launch of the new MINI, the British premium brand has expanded its model range with the addition of an entirely new body variant – the MINI 5 door – for the first time in its history. It combines MINI’s hallmark driving fun, the distinctive character and refinement of the third model generation and the enhanced practicality which comes with extra space. The characteristic exterior design of the original premium small car is authentically transferred to the specific proportions of the new body, with the addition of two rear doors.With the wheelbase expanded by 72 millimetres and the body lengthened by 161 millimetres when compared to the MINI 3 door, the 5 door model provides greater freedom in terms of interior use. In the back are three separate seats, and passengers using them benefit from increased headroom of 15 millimetres and interior width increased of 61 millimetres at elbow height. In addition, the luggage compartment space is 67 litres larger than in the new MINI 3 door, with a total of 278 litres. The car’s high level of versatility is also supported by the 60:40 folding split in the rear backrest. It enables the luggage compartment volume to be increased to 941 litres.At the market launch of the MINI 5 door, the range has combined fuel consumption which ranges from 5.9 – 3.6 l/100 km. CO2 emissions range from 136 – 95 g/km. There are four engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology to choose from. A 3-cylinder petrol engine with a peak output of 100 kW/136 hp powers the MINI Cooper 5 door. The output of the 4-cylinder petrol engine in the MINI Cooper S 5 door is 141 kW/192 hp. The new MINI Cooper D 5 door is powered by an 85 kW/116 hp 3-cylinder diesel engine. In addition, the MINI Cooper SD 5 door is presented for the first time with a new 2.0-litre 4-cylinder diesel power unit that has an output of 125 kW/170 hp. All model variants of the new MINI 5 door meet the EU6 exhaust emission standard.As with every other MINI, the latest generation of engines ensures an exceptional balance between driving fun and fuel consumption. This is supported by the newly developed 6-speed manual and 6-speed Steptronic transmissions, as well as extensive MINIMALISM fuel- efficiency technology. MINI’s famed go-kart feeling on the road is guaranteed thanks to a model-specific version of the refined suspension technology. Dynamic Damper Control with adjustable dampers is available as an option, as are MINI driving modes which ensure a ‘made-to-measure’ approach to performance driving and comfort.The MINI 5 door also benefits from the high standards of the new model generation in many other ways, including quality of materials and workmanship, safety, acoustic and NVH comfort and innovative equipment. The new display and operating concept can be supplemented with an on-board computer of up to 8.8 inches in size, fitted in the central instrument, as well as the MINI Controller with touch-sensitive surface. An optional LED light ring for the central instruments provides feedback on driving condition as well as on numerous functions activated by the driver. Other equipment available includes the LED headlight, LED fog lamp, ambient lighting and ComfortAccess.

The range of optional driver assistance systems includes the Head-Up Display which extends above the steering column. The MINI 5 door also comes with Driving Assistant, a camera-based active cruise control, collision and pedestrian warning with initial brake function, high beam assistant, road sign detection, Parking Assistant and rear view camera.The diversity of the MINI Connected in-car infotainment program is unique within the competitive field. The MINI 5 door can be equipped with a permanent SIM card. This means that Emergency Call with automatic detection of vehicle location and accident severity is available, as well as MINI Teleservices. The MINI Connected XL Journey Mate helps the driver plan journeys as well as providing relevant information en route to the destination. Numerous additional functions which can be integrated in the vehicle via social networks and infotainment apps are now available for both the Apple iOS and Android smartphones.Exterior design: characteristic proportions, clear linesThe new MINI 5 door is the second body variant of the new MINI, and its unique roof line and emphasis of the rear section draw attention to the extended length. The increased overall height reflects the improvement in headroom. The design pays tribute to the car’s historical roots as well as being an evolution of the contemporary vehicle concept. Characteristic MINI proportions ensure a compact and powerful appearance, which underscores the agility of the newcomer.The body of the new MINI 5 door is 3,982 millimetres long (MINI Cooper S 5 door and MINI Cooper SD 5 door are 4,005 millimetres),1,727 millimetres wide and 1,425 millimetres wide. This makes the MINI 5 door 161 millimetres longer and 11 millimetres higher than the 3 door version. The width remains the same. The wheelbase has been extended by 72 millimetres to 2,567 millimetres, while the track is identical to that of the 3 door model.Interior comfort has also been enhanced. Thanks to the extended wheelbase, rear passengers now have 72 millimetres more foot space and legroom available to them, while the increased space also provides for a third seat in the back row. Access to the rear is also more comfortable.The increased vehicle height can be felt in an additional 15 millimetres of headroom. Meanwhile the car’s interior width at elbow height is now increased by 61 millimetres. The luggage compartment has a volume of 278 litres, an increase of 67 litres or around 30 per cent when compared to the 3 door model.Like all MINI models, the new MINI 5 door also has an unmistakeable appearance. The body, greenhouse and roof are clearly separated from one another in visual terms. The window graphic tapers off to the rear, contributing to a dynamic wedge shape when the car is viewed in profile, and suggesting a forward thrust even when it’s stationary.The wide track and short overhangs emphasise the striking expression of the vehicle’s body as it sits powerfully on top of the wheels. The athletic stature of the new MINI 5 door is underscored by a striking sill line between the front and rear wheel arches. Meanwhile, the character line below the side windows provides a dynamic downward thrust which directs attention to the large wheel apertures.

Traditional design features include the hexagonal contour of the radiator grille, the side indicator surrounds known as ‘side scuttles’, the circular headlights, the upright rear light clusters and the black periphery at the bottom edge of the body. The single-section chrome frame of the radiator grille brings out the hexagonal shape particularly clearly. The visual effect of the side scuttle elements and the additional headlights in the front apron is enhanced by means of striking lines on the adjacent surfaces in each case.In the MINI Cooper 5 door and MINI Cooper D 5 door, the ribs of the radiator grille and the tailgate handle are finished in White Aluminium. The bumper trim, integrated in the radiator grille and also acting as a number plate carrier, is finished in high-gloss black, while the exhaust pipe has a chrome cover. The MINI Cooper S 5 door and MINI Cooper SD 5 door models emphasis their sporty flair with a honeycomb pattern in the radiator grille, an anthracite bumper trim, an additional opening in the bonnet, brake air ducts integrated in the lower air inlets and a separate rear apron with exhaust pipes arranged at the centre. These model variants also bear a red ‘S’ logo with a chrome border, not only on the side scuttle elements but also on the chrome bar of the radiator grille.Unique within the competitive field: LED headlamps, adaptive light distribution, LED turning light, LED fog lampThe circular headlamps are bordered by a wide chrome ring and have clearly structured light sources, with the arched turn indicators arranged in the lower section. In the standard version, the daytime driving lights and the side lights are fitted inside the additional headlights, while fog lamps can also be included here as an optional extra.The new MINI 5 door is the first car in its class to offer the option of LED headlights. The bright white units provide the light source for both low and high beam. They are also surrounded by an LED daylight driving ring, the lower section of which reaches down to the white turn indicators. Another option is that of LED headlamps with additional functions, ensuring optimum illumination of the road surface and roadside – depending on the situation and route profile – and also including an LED turning light. The optional fog lamps are also available in halogen or as LEDs in conjunction with LED headlights. Cars fitted with LED headlights also have LED rear lights.There is a palette of three solid and nine metallic exterior colours for the launch of the new MINI 5 door. In all models, the roof and exterior mirror caps can be finished in a contrasting colour, white or black, as an option and at no extra cost. Roof rails for roof rack mounting are also available for the new MINI 5 door. Individual accents include white or black bonnet stripes and Chrome Line for the exterior.Interior design in hallmark MINI style: an innovative display and operating conceptPrecise lines, premium colour and material combinations and modern functionality highlight how the MINI 5 door’s cabin is a contemporary reworking of a design classic. The horizontal structure of the cockpit and the circular or elliptical contours of central features such as air vents, instruments and door trim are among the best-loved MINI design elements. The innovative display and operating concept is ideal for safe and intuitive use of the various driver assistance systems, infotainment and comfort functions.

The instrument cluster on the steering column displays road speed, engine speed and fuel level by means of superimposed circular instruments. The speedometer scale includes a colour panel for Check Control messages, vehicle status displays and visual indicators relating to driver assistance systems currently activated.As soon as the key is inside the car, the engine of the new MINI 5 door can be started by pressing the toggle-type start/stop button located in the middle of the centre console, which lights up red. Above the toggle switch there are three circular control switches for heating and air conditioning. The operating switches for the headlamps and fog lights are located on the instrument cluster next to the steering wheel. The electrically controlled power window lifts are integrated in the door trim panels.Central instrument with a wide range of functions and exclusive lighting configurationWith its indicator elements and extended functionality, the hallmark MINI central instrument provides exceptional interaction between driver and car. Depending on the car’s fittings, the centre of its interior surface serves as a 4-line TFT display or a colour screen up to 8.8 inches in size. This provides operating feedback for vehicle functions, air conditioning, infotainment and communication, navigation maps and route directions, as well as the special graphics for MINI Connected Services. The selection and control of these functions is via the Controller in the centre console, which is fitted in conjunction with the Radio MINI Visual Boost, the MINI navigation system and the Professional navigation system. Rotary, pressure and shift movements as well as one-touch and bookmark buttons allow for intuitive, safe and convenient operation based on the principles of the BMW iDrive system, a ground-breaking concept throughout the entire automotive sector. The features included with the Professional navigation system include a Touch Controller whose touch-sensitive surface enables entry of characters. The innovative display and operating concept is supported by a lighting design in the area of the central instrument which is unique to MINI. LED units around the outer edge of the circular instrument – optionally available in six colours – can respond to the current situation on the road and to specific operating procedures according to driver preference. For example, the hand movements of the road speed and engine speed display in the instrument cluster are underpinned by parallel light impulses at the edge of the central instrument. When Park Distance Control is activated, the remaining distance to obstacles is shown by means of a ring of light which is illuminated in green, yellow or red, supplementing the graphic display. A change in the desired interior temperature is confirmed by LED units which light up in blue or red. Route guidance information provided by the navigation system is also visually supported by the illuminated ring: the closer the car gets to the turn-off point, the smaller the lit-up area at the edge of the central instrument.Extended functionality and hallmark MINI diversity of colours and materials in the interiorThe extended interior space along with numerous clever details makes the new MINI 5 door extremely functional and practical. The rear backrest with a 60:40 split can be folded down but also angled more steeply so as to create more luggage space. This enables the load volume to be increased in stages as required, from 278 litres to as much as 941 litres. The seat belt for the central back seat is integrated in the backrest. Numerous cupholders and storage facilities make it easy to take drinks and travel utensils in the car, and there is an additional storage compartment behind the trim strip on the passenger side. A storage package is also available as an option, and includes a double dual-section load compartment floor, additional lashing eyes and floor net for the luggage compartment, along with map pouches for the backrests of the front seats.Seats in a fabric/leather combination and leather finish are offered as an alternative to the standard fabric version. The MINI Cooper S 5 door and the MINI Cooper SD 5 door are fitted with sport seats as standard and these are available as an option for the other variants. The sport seats offer excellent lateral holding, as well as seat depth adjustment function. The optional leather lounge seats have a tube-like visual structure and offer top-quality upholstery for excellent comfort.A wide range of possibilities for interior customisation is offered by the model-specific selection of upholstery colours, interior surfaces, Colour Lines and other design features. These include a Chrome Line for the interior and the lighting package with LED interior lights and orange- coloured ambient lighting, as well as numerous new MINI Yours program features.Powerful engines with MINI TwinPower Turbo TechnologyAt the launch of the MINI 5 door, there are two petrol engines and two diesel engines to choose from, with three and four cylinders respectively, as well as MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology. In the power units of the MINI Cooper 5 door and the MINI Cooper S 5 door, turbocharging and direct fuel injection are combined with variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side (double VANOS) and variable valve control in the form of VALVETRONIC, as patented by the BMW Group. In the diesel engines of the MINI Cooper D 5 door and the MINI Cooper SD 5 door, MINI TwinPower Turbo Technology consists of a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry and the latest generation of common rail direct injection. This offers further increased injection pressure as compared to the predecessor engines, a particularly high- precision fuel dosage and clean combustion.In combination with extensive MINIMALISM technology, the new engine technology in the MINI 5 door also ensures a desirable balance between driving fun and fuel consumption. All engine variants also meet the EU6 exhaust emission standard.With a peak output of 141 kW/192 hp, the 2.0-litre 4-cylinder engine gives the MINI Cooper S 5 door a real dash of sporty flair. The maximum torque of the engine is 280 Nm from 1,250 rpm. It can even be briefly increased to 300 Nm by means of an overboost function. This enables a sprint from standing to 100 km/h in 6.9 seconds (automatic: 6.8 seconds). The top speed of the MINI Cooper S 5 door is 232 km/h(230 km/h). These figures are combined with an average fuel consumption of 5.9 to 6.0 litres (5.4 to 5.5 litres) per 100 kilometres and a CO2 emissions level of 136 to 139 grams per kilometre (125 to128 g/km; EU test cycle figures, dependent on tyre format selected).Spontaneous power delivery and high revving are also characteristic of the 1.5-litre 3-cylinder petrol engine in the MINI Cooper 5 door. This has a peak output of 100 kW/136 hp and a maximum torque of 220 Nm (230 Nm with overboost) from 1,250 rpm. As a result, acceleration from zero to 100 km/h for the MINI Cooper 5 door takes 8.2 seconds (automatic: 8.1 seconds), with a top speed of 207 km/h in each case. The average fuel consumption of the new MINI Cooper 5 door is 4.7 to 4.8 litres (4.8 to 4.9 litres) per 100 kilometres, while its level of CO2 emissions 109 to 111 grams per kilometre (111 to 114 g/km; EU test cycle figures, dependent on tyre format selected).

The latest addition to the new generation of MINI engines is a 2.0-litre turbodiesel which delivers 125 kW/170 hp. With this peak output and a maximum torque of 360 Nm between 1,500 – 2,750 rpm, it ensures impressive pulling power in the MINI Cooper SD 5 door. With common rail injectors operating at a maximum pressure of 2,000 bar, this engine provides the basis for a high level of running smoothness as well as low fuel consumption and exhaust emission figures. The MINI Cooper SD 5 door completes the sprint from zero to 100 km/h in 7.4 seconds (automatic: 7.3 seconds), reaching a top speed of 225 km/h (223 km/h). The efficiency of the new diesel engine is reflected in an average fuel consumption of 4.1 to 4.3 litres (4.1 to 4.2 litres) per 100 kilometres and a CO2 emissions level of 109 to 112 grams per kilometre (107 to109 g/km; EU test cycle figures, dependent on tyre format selected).Spirited power and impressive efficiency are also combined in the MINI Cooper D 5 door. Its 1.5-litre 3-cylinder diesel engine has a peak output of 85 kW/116 hp. The maximum torque of 270 Nm is available from 1,750 rpm, enabling acceleration from zero to 100 km/h in 9.4 seconds (automatic: 9.5 seconds). The top speed is 203 km/h (202 km/h). These figures are combined with an average fuel consumption of between 3.6 and 3.7 litres (3.8 to 3.9 litres) per 100 kilometres and a CO2 emissions level of 95 to 97 grams per kilometre (99 to 102 g/km; EU test cycle figures, dependent on tyre format selected).Cutting-edge manual and automatic transmissionsThe new MINI 5 door features state-of-the-art manual and automatic transmissions which exhibit a high level of efficiency. Each car is fitted as standard with a 6-speed manual transmission that is characterized by low weight and improved shift comfort deriving from the use of carbon friction linings for the synchroniser rings. A centrifugal pendulum in the dual-mass flywheel compensates for torsional vibrations. This enhances the acoustic and vibrational properties of the drive system when travelling at low engine speeds, for greater fuel efficiency. A gear sensor also enables active engine speed adaptation for sporty up- shifting when accelerating and increased comfort when shifting down.The 6-speed Steptronic transmission available for all variants of the new MINI 5 door offers improved efficiency, enhanced shift comfort and increased shift dynamics. It offers both automatic and manual changes in Drive position using the gear selector switch. The new MINI 5 door also combines the 6-speed Steptronic transmission with the automatic engine start/stop function, preventing unnecessary fuel consumption caused by idling at junctions or in congested traffic. Another option for the new MINI Cooper S 5 door and the MINI Cooper SD 5 door is a 6- speed Steptronic sports transmission that offers even shorter shift times and comprises shift paddles on the steering wheel for use in manual mode.In conjunction with the MINI navigation system, the 6-speed Steptronic transmission is also able to take account of the route profile in controlling gear shifts. Based on navigation data, the appropriate drive position is selected to match the imminent situation on the road ahead. For example, it prevents unnecessary upshifts directly prior to junctions or on corners.The MINIMALISM technology which comes as standard includes a shift- point display function for models with manual transmission, brake energy recuperation and needs-oriented control of the fuel pump, coolant pump and other ancillary units.

The electromechanical power steering and map-controlled oil pumps in all engines are optimised for the most efficient use. An optimised preheating process achieves approximately 50 per cent reduction in the energy required to start the diesel engines.Depending on the model variant, optimisation of aerodynamic properties is achieved by such measures as active cooling air flaps, extensive underbody trim and air ducting elements in the upper section of the C columns. With a drag coefficient (Cd value) of 0.30 (MINI Cooper 5 door, MINI Cooper D 5 door) or 0.32 (MINI Cooper S 5 door) and 0.33 (MINI Cooper SD 5 door), the new MINI 5 door is at the forefront its segment in terms of aerodynamics.MINI Driving Modes: sporty flair and efficiency at the turn of a switchMINI Driving Modes is an optional extra which provides an excellent basis for fuel-efficient motoring. A rotary switch at the base of the gear or selector lever is used to activate either the standard MID mode, SPORT mode or GREEN mode. In SPORT, the accelerator pedal characteristic curve and steering are switched to a more sporty set-up, as are the shift times in cars fitted with the 6-speed Steptronic transmission. In GREEN mode, a relaxed and more fuel-efficient driving style is supported by intelligent control of energy and climate management, as well as by systems such as shift point display. In cars fitted with 6-speed Steptronic transmission it is also possible to use the coasting function. The drivetrain is decoupled at speeds of between 50 and 160 km/h as soon as the driver’s foot is removed from the accelerator pedal. The new MINI 5 door then rolls at idling engine speed and at a minimum rate of fuel consumption.Optimised suspension technology: low weight, lots of go-kart feelingThe suspension technology of the new MINI 5 door retains the well- established principle of the single-joint spring strut axle at the front and the multilink rear axle. It’s a set-up which is unique within the competitive environment. Every component has been optimised in terms of material selection and geometry, and everything possible has been done to create MINI’s much-loved handling properties – commonly referred to as the brand’s signature ‘go-kart’ feeling – in the new MINI 5 door.The mechanical set-up also takes account of the high level of engine power, front-wheel drive transmission, transversely mounted engine at the front, low centre of gravity, short overhangs, wide track and a rigid, weight-optimised body structure.In order to achieve a low weight and a high level of component rigidity, the front axle is fitted with aluminium swivel bearings as well as axle supports and wishbones made of high-strength steel. The front axle kinematics supports the agile turn-in response and precise steering sensation of the new MINI 5 door. High-strength steel types are also used for the rear axle. Tube-shaped stabilisers at the front and rear axle contribute to weight reduction. The innovative axle bearing benefits both ride comfort and agility.Dynamic Damper Control in the new MINI 5 doorThe dampers are decoupled at the front and rear axle by means of triple-path support bearings. As an option, the new MINI 5 door can also be fitted with Dynamic Damper Control. Two characteristic lines are available for damper set-up, allowing activation of either a more comfort-oriented response or a direct, sporty response to road bumps, depending on the given situation. The compression and rebound stage are adjusted by means of electrical control of the EDC valves.Engineered into the electromechanical power steering is compensation for so-called ‘torque steer’. This prevents self-steering tendencies caused by differing degrees of torque at the drive wheels. Steering precision is also ensured when it comes to sudden avoidance swerves and when taking bends at higher loads. Standard features include the speed-related steering assistance system Servotronic. In addition to the ABS anti-lock braking system, Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Cornering Brake Control (CBC) and the brake assistant, the driving stability control system DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) in the new MINI 5 door also includes a drive-off assistant, a brake dry function, Fading Brake Support and DTC mode (Dynamic Traction Control), which permits controlled slip at the drive wheels so as to facilitate driving off on loose sand or deep snow. When the driving stability system is deactivated (DSC Off mode), there is an electronic locking function for the front axle differential which selectively and appropriately brakes a spinning drive wheel on tight corners, redirecting the drive torque to the other wheel. This system, known as Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC), promotes the car’s forward momentum without negatively influencing self-steering response. The MINI Cooper S 5 door and the MINI Cooper SD 5 door also feature the Performance Control system, which counteracts any tendency to understeer prior to reaching the threshold level. This supports an agile yet neutral driving response on bends.The 15-inch forged light alloy wheels in the new MINI Cooper 5 door and the new MINI Cooper D 5 door have a particularly low weight as well as favourable aerodynamic properties. The new MINI Cooper S 5 door and the new MINI Cooper SD 5 door are fitted as standard with 16- inch light alloy wheels. Other light alloy wheels up to a size of 18 inches are available as part of the program of options and accessories. Tyres with emergency running properties are available as another option to fit all rim sizes.Low weight combined with a high level of safety and agility due to intelligent lightweight constructionIntelligent lightweight construction means that weight reduction in the MINI is combined with an increase in rigidity. The result is improved agility and occupant protection. In spite of the wide range of fittings, virtually all variants of the new MINI 5 door are lighter than their competitors in the segment. Highly resilient load-bearing structures, advanced deformation zones and an extremely stable passenger cell provide an excellent basis for keeping impact energy away from passengers and ensuring maximum occupant protection. The safety concept behind the new MINI 5 door is geared towards achieving maximum scores on all the relevant crash tests worldwide.Comprehensive safety technology including pedestrian protectionThe standard safety fittings of the new MINI 5 door comprise front and side airbags, as well as curtain airbags for the front and rear seats. All seats are fitted with 3-point seat belts and there are belt tensioners and belt force limiters at the front. ISOFIX child seat mountings are provided at the rear and are optional on the front passenger seat.There are also safety features which are designed to minimise the risk of injury to pedestrians. These include impact absorbers, precisely defined deformation elements and a partially active engine compartment lid. In the event of a collision with a pedestrian, which is registered by special sensors, a pyrotechnic trigger mechanism raises the engine compartment lid. This creates additional deformation space and significantly reduces the risk of injury when impacting against very hard parts of the engine.Innovative driver assistance systems increase convenience and safetyThere are numerous driver assistance systems available for the new MINI 5 door. These include the MINI Head-Up-Display, which shows information relevant to the driver on an extendible monitor in the upper section of the dashboard, between the windscreen and steering wheel. The MINI Head-Up Display promotes concentration on the road by displaying information directly in the driver’s line of sight. It can then be read quickly and conveniently without the driver needing to avert their eyes from the road. The information that can be shown in the MINI Head-Up Display includes speed, navigation directions in the form of arrow graphics and junction sketches, visual signals for collision warning, display symbols generated by Speed Limit Info and No Passing Info, Check Control messages and entertainment program details such as radio channels and song titles. The graphics on the high-resolution screen are clearly visible in all light conditions.Other innovative driver assistance systems in the new MINI 5 door include the optional Driving Assistant. This comprises a camera-based cruise control and distance control function which automatically maintains a distance from the vehicle ahead, as well as the collision and pedestrian warning system with initial brake function. In critical situations, the driver is first provided with a visual signal in the form of a graphic symbol that appears in the instrument cluster. This is supplemented at the second warning level by an acoustic signal prompting the driver to react. In addition to this, an automatic brake manoeuvre is triggered in the case of an imminent collision with a pedestrian or a rear-end shunt, for example, in urban traffic. Here the new MINI 5 door is decelerated at medium brake force. Depending on the situation, this can either prevent an impact from occurring altogether or else significantly reduce the severity of the accident. As the automatic deceleration is activated, the driver is also given an unmistakable prompt to intervene.Other elements of the Driving Assistant are a road sign detection function, which registers and displays speed limits and overtaking bans on the current route. The system also includes high-beam assistant which takes into account environmental brightness as well as oncoming vehicles and those travelling ahead when controlling the high beam.A rear view camera and Parking Assistant are available for the new MINI 5 door. The video images supplied by the rear view camera positioned underneath the tailgate handle are shown on the display screen in the central instrument as an aid when manoeuvring and reverse parking. Parking Assistant facilitates selection and use of parking spaces parallel to the road. The system automatically detects suitable parking spaces at the roadside. As the car then manoeuvres into the chosen space, the Parking Assistant takes care of all the necessary steering movements on behalf of the driver. All the driver has to do is operate the accelerator, brake pedal and gear selection in order to manoeuvre the new MINI 5 door safely and conveniently into the parking space.Premium features for comfort, functionality and individual styleThe standard features of the new MINI 5 door include electrically adjustable exterior mirrors, door sill cover strips with model-specific inscription, Colour Line in Carbon Black and the MINI Radio including AUX-IN and USB interface. These can be supplemented with a range of high-quality options in the areas of comfort, functionality and individual flair, to adapt the car to the owner’s personal style. In addition to the air conditioning system (as standard in the MINI Cooper S 5 door and the MINI Cooper SD 5 door) there is also a 2-zone automatic air conditioning system, seat heating for driver and front passenger, a panorama glass roof, a visibility package including windscreen heating, rain sensor and automatic light control, a Harman/Kardon hi-fi speaker system and a sports leather steering wheel (as standard in the MINI Cooper S 5 door and MINI Cooper SD 5 door) including optional multi- function buttons and cruise control.Other options include Comfort Access, Park Distance Control, roof rails, electrically heatable and folding exterior mirrors, and both interior and exterior mirrors with automatic anti-dazzle function. For customisation of the exterior and interior in typical MINI style, various decorative trims for exterior mirrors, bonnet stripes, seat upholsteries, interior surfaces and Colour Lines are all available.MINI Connected: Emergency Call and apps now also available for smartphonesThe optional MINI Connected or MINI Connected XL system is also available in conjunction with the Radio MINI Visual Boost and the MINI navigation system. It offers extensive integration of smartphones in the car, allowing the use of internet-based services in the fields of infotainment, communication and driver experience. These are provided via an ever-expanding range of apps. MINI Connected XL also includes the Journey Mate function for Real Time Traffic Information. The MINI Connected XL Journey Mate is provided in the form of an app and even supports the driver when preparing a trip. Owners of an Apple iPhone can plan a journey on their mobile phone, taking into account calendar entries and appointments at the destination. The current traffic situation and weather at destination are shown on the smartphone display right away. The MINI Connected XL Journey Mate calculates in transit whether there is sufficient fuel, indicates where refuelling is possible, shows the anticipated time of arrival, provides information on the weather at destination, analyses Real Time Traffic Information so as to identify congestion early on, helps in selecting transit stops and even suggests parking facilities near the destination. Drivers can also set reminders for calendar entries and for their own memos if they wish. Finally, the app includes a pedestrian navigation service on the smartphone to cover the distance from the parking space to the specific destination and back to the MINI.The MINI Connected program provided through smartphone apps includes vehicle-related functions such as Mission Control, Dynamic Music, Driving Excitement and MINIMALISM Analyser as well as online- based services such as a web radio function, the use of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, foursquare and Glympse, the reception of RSS news feeds and entertainment features such as AUPEO!, Stitcher, Deezer, Audible, Napster/Rhapsody and TuneIn. With the colour display in the central instrument, all functions can be operated in typical MINI style at the same time – more conveniently, intuitively and safely than ever before. In future, selected MINI Connected Apps and MINI Connected Ready Apps supplied by third-party providers will be available not just for the Apple iPhone but also for smartphones using the Android operating system.In many market areas, the new MINI 5 door can also be fitted with a SIM card which is permanently installed in the car. This is used to establish phone connections required for the use of the optional functions Emergency Call and MINI Teleservices. Emergency Call automatically contacts a call centre in the event of a collision so as to initiate fast and effective assistance. At the same time, information is transferred that includes the exact position of the car, vehicle type and colour as well as data collected by sensors inside the automobile, such as how many people are seated in the car and which airbags were triggered. An emergency call can also be set off manually so as to get help for other road users.MINI Teleservices provides automatic transmission of service-related vehicle data to a MINI Service Partner of the customer’s choice. The function can also be used to arrange an appointment. The data transfer allows the required service work to be identified early on so that the workshop visit can be prepared accordingly.Technical specifications.MINI Cooper 5 door ,MINI Cooper 5 door Automatic.BodyMINI Cooper 5 door

MINI Cooper Automatic 5 doorumber of doors/seatsLength/width/height (empty)Wheelbase mm5 / 5 3982 / 1727 / 1425 25671501 / 1501 11.0 40 4.9 4.25 lifetime filling1145 / 1220 520 1670 910 / 8355/5 3982 / 1727 / 1425 25671501 / 1501 11.0 40 5.7 4.25 lifetime filling1175 / 1250 520 1700 940 / 835mmmm m approx. l l l lkg kg kg kgkg kgl –/m2 /m2Fuel RONOutput kW/hpTrack width, front/rear Turning circleFuel tank capacityCooling system incl. heating Engine oilTransmission oil incl. drivetrainUnladen weight according to DIN/EU 1)Payload according to DINPermitted gross vehicle weightPermitted axle loads, front/rearPermitted trailer loadbraked (12 %) / unbrakedPermitted roof load/permitted downloadLuggage compartment volumeAerodynamicdragcx /A/cx ×AEngineType/no. of cylinders/valvesEngine controlCapacity cc Bore/stroke mm Compression :1–/–    –/–at engine speedTorque (with overboost) at engine speed Electrical system Battery/installationrpm Nm rpmAh / –75 / – 278 – 941 0.30 / 2.07 / 0.62in-line / 3 / 4 MEVD 17.2.3 1499 82.0 / 94.6 11.091–98100 / 136 4500 – 6000 220 (230) 1250 – 400070 / engine compartment15075 / – 278 – 941 0.30 / 2.07 / 0.62in-line / 3 / 4 MEVD 17.2.3 1499 82.0 / 94.6 11.091–98100 / 136 4500 – 6000 220 (230) 1250 – 400070 / engine compartment150Alternator ASuspensionFront wheel suspensionRear wheel suspension Brakes, frontRear brakesDriving stability systemsSteeringOverall steering ratio TyresRimsTransmission Transmission type Gear ratioSingle-joint McPherson spring strut axle with aluminium swivel bearing and anti-dive controlMultilink axle with weight-optimised trailing arms disc, vented disc, vented disc discHydraulic 2-circuit brake system with anti-lock brakes (ABS), electronic brake force distribution (EBD) and Cornering Brake Control (CBC), Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) with brake assistant, hill start assistant, brake dry function, Fading Brake Support, Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) and Electronic Differential Lock Control (EDLC). Handbrake impacts mechanically on rear wheels Electrically assisted EPS unit with Servotronic functionI II III IV V VI:1 14.2 175/65 R15 84H 5.5J × 15 light alloy6-speed manual transmission :1 3.615 :1 1.952 :1 1.241 :1 0.969:1 0.806 :1 0.683 :1 3.538 :1 3.421kg/kW 11.5kW/l 66.7 s 8.214.2 175/65 R15 84H 5.5J × 15 light alloy6-speed Steptronic transmission 4.459 2.508 1.556 1.1420.851 0.672 3.185 3.68311.866.7 8.12)–/– 207Reverse gearFinal drive ratioDriving performance figures Power-to-weight ratio according to DIN Power output per litreAccelerationin 4th/5th gear Top speed0-100 km/h0–1000 m s80-120 km/h2) s 2) / 9.6 km/h 207MINI Fuel consumption in EU cycle 3) Press folder Urban06/2014 page 17l/100 km Extra-urban l/100 km Total l/100 km CO2 g/km5.9 – 5.9 4.0 – 4.1 4.7 – 4.8109 – 111EU62)6.0 – 6.1 4.1 – 4.2 4.8 – 4.9111 – 114EU62) 146OtherEmission ratingInsurance rating in Germany Ground clearance (empty)Technical specifications valid for ACEA markets / registration-related data only relevant to Germany in some cases (weights)1) Weight of road-ready automobile (DIN) plus 75 kg for driver and luggage 2) Details not yet available3) Dependent on tyre format selected3rd party/fullycomprehensive/3rdmm 146party fire + theftMINIPress folder06/2014 page 18MINI Cooper S 5 door,MINI Cooper S 5 door Automatic.BodyMINI Cooper S 5 door         MINI Cooper S Automatic 5 doorNumber of doors/seatsLength/width/height (empty)Wheelbase mm5 / 5 4005 / 1727 / 1425 25671501 / 1501 11.0 44 6.1 5.25 lifetime filling1220 / 1295 520 1750 950 / 8505/5 4005 / 1727 / 1425 25671501 / 1501 11.0 44 6.1 5.25 lifetime filling1240 / 1315 520 1770 970 / 850mmmm m approx. l l l lkg kg kg kgkg kgl –/m2 /m2Fuel RONOutput kW/hpTrack width, front/rear Turning circleFuel tank capacityCooling system incl. heating Engine oilTransmission oil incl. drivetrainUnladen weight according to DIN/EU 1)Payload according to DINPermitt

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Τυχαία Θέματα