Jerusalem Post: A message to Turkey the latest Egyptian naval drills

16:40 20/7/2020 - Πηγή: Armynow

An Egyptian naval drill that saw anti-ship missiles sink a ship was a message to Turkey’s growing ambitions in the Mediterranean. The message was interpreted this way across social media, but with mixed results because some analysts claimed it showed the Egyptian navy has shortcomings.

The naval exercise was dubbed Hasam-20 and was carried out in an area not far from the Libyan border, according to several accounts. Video put online by the Egyptians showed different aspects of the drill. For instance, the navy carried out the firing of RGM-48 anti-ship missiles from various naval vessels. Video also showed missiles fired from a submarine, including the UGM-84 Harpoon. Some commentators claimed that one of the launches looked like a failure.

Video showing an Egyptian navy Ambasador-Mk (Ezzat class) Fast Attack Missile Craft firing RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile during the Egyptian army "Hasam-20" drills.

— Mahmoud Gamal (@mahmouedgamal44) July 10, 2020

Egypt also mounted an anti-aircraft system on the desk of one of the Mistral LHD ships. This AN/TWQ-1 Avenger system is meant to be deployed on land with vehicles like Humvees. But in this case, it was put on a ship and chained down with its vehicle.

Egypt is reportedly boosting its naval presence after Turkey began to send more ships and weapons, as well as Syrian refugees recruited as mercenaries, to fight in neighboring Libya.

During Hasam-20 military drills, The Egyptian navy conducted an amphibious assault from the Mistral LHD using it's landing crafts (EDA-R/L-Cat) to deploy the SOF units & Mechanized troops on the shore with air force assist.

— Mahmoud Gamal (@mahmouedgamal44) July 10, 2020

Turkey’s ruling AK Party is hostile to the Egyptian leadership of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Sisi supports the eastern Libyan government of Khalifa Haftar, whom Turkey calls a terrorist warlord. Turkey supports the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord. Since May, Turkish backing has pushed Haftar back, and Egypt has hinted it could intervene in Libya.

Turkey has been boasting its new naval weapons in recent years. It has developed its own anti-ship missiles and drones. It has also been increasingly aggressive in energy drilling in the Mediterranean after signing a deal with Tripoli last December.

These are some of the largest naval tensions in the region in decades. At stake is Turkey’s newfound decision to have an aggressive military policy that has brought together Greece, Egypt, the UAE, France and others in opposition to Turkey’s moves.

Egypt’s naval drill is emblematic of how Turkey’s increased posturing will result in other countries seeking to show off and increase their naval power.

By By Seth J. Frantzman

Source: The Jerusalem Post

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