Editorial: Taboo

The government is proposing a new method of calculating insurance contributions which provides that the amount of contributions will determine the pension amount.

The larger the amount of the contributions the larger the pension which is a minimum of 775 euros and reaches a ceiling of 2,500 euros.

The new system will adhere to a by-analogy scheme.

One may agree or disagree with its adoption, but it should certainly be judged without taboos.

Instead, it should be judged with the knowledge that the insurance system is a time bomb that involves many factors, among which is the demographic problem, and it will explode if measures are not taken.

Experience has shown that taboos lead to very bad results. The reform of the insurance system that was attempted by the Simitis government in the nineties and drafted by Professor Yannis Spraos was rejected by very large social protests.

The government faced the opposition of citizens, political parties, and trade unions.

What was the result?  It was the adoption of measures that were much worse. A recent prime example was the passing of the insurance restructuring  plan of ex-labour minister Yorgos Katrougalos.

Any objections should be voiced with all this in mind and the knowledge that taboos often make things worse and not better.

Οι όποιες ενστάσεις λοιπόν θα πρέπει να υποβληθούν με αυτή τη γνώση. Με τη γνώση πως τα ταμπού κάνουν πολλές φορές τα πράγματα χειρότερα και όχι καλύτερα.
