Tsipras: Investors will never come to a collapsing economy

12:34 2/4/2013 - Πηγή: Matrix24

Tsipras underlined that a condition for saving the country – and therefore attracting investments – was a stable labour regime, a stable and fair tax regime and the opportunity for recovery that could only come about by increasing the minimum legal wage, so that those who spent all they earned could carry out the consumer spending that might drive the economy.amna

Commenting on the arrival later this week of officials representing Greece’s troika of lenders – the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund – the main opposition leader said this carried the risk of launching a new round of ‘blackmail’ against Greece due to the ‘financing gap’ for Greece’s banking sector and the public deficit of 2.7 billion euros caused by the austerity measures.

Commenting on Tsipras’ speech, government spokesman Simos Kedikoglour responded by stating that the “government is steadily guiding the country away from the dangerous rocks of SYRIZA’s populism” and accused the main opposition of indulging his “weakness for being alarmist”.amna

“He has been doing this continually since last summer and is invariably proved wrong. That will be the case this time as well,” Kedikoglou added.

Source: AMNA
