SYRIZA slams gov’t for backing ‘haircut’ of Cyprus bank accounts

Speaking about the results of this visit at the same press conference, Dragasakis strongly attacked the stance adopted by both the Greek government and the decisions taken by European leaders regarding the economic problems in Cyprus.

Tsipras, on his part, emphasised the geopolitical aspect of the decisions about Cyprus, stressing the need to resist the Eurogroup’s decision. Using strong language to denounce EU leaders, he claimed that half were “gangsters” and the other half “submissive and afraid”.amna

Prompted to outline SYRIZA-EKM’s “geopolitical reply” to the crisis, Tsipras said that his party did not wish to choose protectors.

“We consider that a country that is subjugated and destroyed endures double damage, not just the obvious but also the downgrading of its geopolitical position,” he said. SYRIZA-EKM’s leader noted that the crisis depleted the potential for effective negotiation, while the geopolitical positions of Greece and Cyprus could be a vehicle, if properly used, for overcoming the crisis and negotiating as sovereign countries “our position in European and world affairs”.amna

Both Tsipras and Dragasakis, meanwhile, said that the risks from the implementation of the Eurogroup’s decision for Cyprus would pose a threat to several countries, among them Greece, which might well be the next country asked to tax deposits as a way to raise funds.

Tsipras also attacked the government and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in person, saying that after the Cyprus Parliament’s rejection of the Eurogroup plan, they failed to utter one word of support for the Cypriot people and under the “unprecedented blackmail attack” to which they were being subjected.

Source: AMNA
